A maintainer is a person who takes overall responsibilities within D&I badging project, making sure everything works regularly.
The responsibility of a maintainer would be to ensure that the whole project is under control, and completing the processing of a Badging application. A maintainer will also maintain the reviewer team and responsible for the training of new reviewers.
Repository permission level: Maintain / Administrate
A maintainer will be expected to:
Assign reviewers and add their GitHub handles to .github/reviewers.md
Maintainers won't be expected to:
Edit the Application, Review Checklist, and comments directly.
What kind of commitment is required to maintain for Event Badging?
Maintaining the project requires sufficient command of the Badging workflow and long-term connection to the community. We expect, at the highest load, for the project to require about 20 minutes every couple of days for each maintainer.
What are the sources of maintainers for CHAOSS D&I Badging Project?
Maintainers are long-standing members of the CHAOSS community that become core-contributors to the D&I Badging Project. To become a maintainer, a contributor needs to show constant activity related to the project.
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The reviewer role would belong to people who would be responsible for reviewing the details submitted by an applicant. Reviewers will have access to the review checklist. The review checklist is a reviewing guide, which is a list written in Markdown, detailing the criteria a submission has to be measured against.
Repository permission level: Write
Reviewers will be able to:
Edit their own comments.
Edit the Review Checklist.
Reviewers will explicitly not be able to:
Edit an applicant's comment.
What kind of commitment is reviewing for Event Badging?
We see a lot of variables affecting this time commitment, including our number of reviewers and the number of applicants. We expect, at the highest load, for the project to require about 20 minutes every few days from each reviewer. At lowest, we'd expect 20 minutes or so every few weeks.
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Different roles undertake different responsibilities in D&I Badging workflow. The Badging roles are applicants, reviewers, moderators, and maintainers. These roles exist to ensure submissions and reviews are smooth and efficient. This is especially true for the GitHub section of the workflow.
Applicants and reviewers are the most fundamental and indispensable roles of D&I Badging since they are a part of the core sections of the badging workflow: applying and reviewing. Besides this, we also need moderators to coordinate between applicants and reviewers, and maintainers who are responsible for the whole project.
Click the following tab bar to see the definition of each role.
An applicant is a person who initiates a badge submission and opens an issue on GitHub.
A reviewer is a person who reviews the submission, complete the checklist, and gives feedback through issue comments.
A moderator is a person who facilitates the interaction between the applicant and the reviewer within an issue.
A maintainer is a person who takes overall responsibilities within D&I badging project, making sure everything works regularly.
As most of the responsibilities are related to the workflow on GitHub, it's important to understand that each role has its GitHub permission that specified what can do and what should be avoided. See the permission table below.
Repository Permission
Create a CHAOSS Badging application
Edit the Review Checklist
Request reviews
Edit the opening Issue comment
Generate the Badge
Close the Issue
In each subsection, we will elaborate on responsibilities and GitHub permissions of different kinds of roles, and provide information about the frequently asked questions.
This will be a role that will belong to participants who would help in closing a Badging Application and declaring the final badge for an application.
Repository permission level: Administrate / Write
A moderator will be expected to:
Ensure all the Initial Checks
are marked positive in both checklists.
Confirm the Review Checklists are adequately marked by the reviewers.
When the review ends, comment /end
to mark the application as closed. This will generate the badges which the Applicant can use.
Moderators are responsible for ensuring that reviewers and applicants understand the Badging workflow. This is done through issue comments, pull request comments, and other Badging discussions. The Moderators in the Badging organization are required to have a strong understanding of D&I practices within an open-source organization.
Generate a badge when the reviewers have filled out the checklist and the applicants have implemented all feedback.
Provide advice and understanding where applicants and reviewers are having trouble.
What kind of commitment is moderating for Event Badging?
We see a lot of variables affecting this time commitment, including our number of moderators and the number of applicants. We expect, at the highest load, for the project to require about 20 minutes every couple of days for each moderator. As we get more moderators into the project, that commitment will shrink.
What happens if a reviewer is not responding or providing a review?
In this case, we use a week in real-time as our metric. If the reviewer has been assigned for a week and has not provided their review or responded to requests, you can unassign them. At this point, you must also assign a new reviewer. You can use your judgement to request a reviewer that you haven't seen on any events recently, or someone that you know will be reliable.
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Applicants would be the primary stakeholders for any CHAOSS Badging review. They will be responsible for:
Applying for a CHAOSS D&I Badge.
Improving their application according to reviewer feedback.
Provide a point of contact between their own community and CHAOSS.
Repository permission level: Read
Applicants will be able to:
Submit an application for a Badging review.
Edit details and make improvements in their application.
Applicants will explicitly not be able to:
Edit the Review Checklist.
What kind of commitment is the application process for an Event Badge?
The initial form will likely take about 15 minutes to fill out. After submitting your application, you are required to communicate, at least a few times, to ensure that the information is accurate and confusion is resolved. You must also confirm that the badge your event receives is clear.
We are looking forward to answering more questions!