A maintainer is a person who takes overall responsibilities within D&I badging project, making sure everything works regularly.
Goals within our community
This roadmap is our strategic plan that defines our goal or desired outcome and includes the major milestones that are needed to reach it.
The CHAOSS Metrics Committee defines implementation-agnostic metrics for assessing open source communities' health and sustainability. The CHAOSS Metrics Committee's goals are to establish implementation-agnostic metrics for measuring community activity, contributions, and health; and optionally produce standardized metric exchange formats, detailed use cases, models, or recommendations to analyze specific issues in the industry/OSS world. Know more about metrics
The Working Groups within the CHAOSS are focused on releasing new metrics where metrics are identified and defined using a continuous contribution process. The metrics are officially released biannually following a 30 day comment period. Check out the metric release
The software committee within the CHAOS community is focused on producing integrated open source software for analyzing software community development across the metric mechanism.
The working group aims to bring together experiences measuring common metrics, diversity and inclusion, evolution, risk, and value in open source projects. Its main goal focuses on understanding from a qualitative and quantitative point of view how different things can be measured within the community.
You will have fun knowing the CHAOSS History
NOTE: Click on the below image to see the zoomed version of the CHAOSS History Timeline. (SVG)
There was a meeting at the Linux Foundation Leadership Summit which is now known as the member summit. It started from the whiteboard in the room where some groups of people planned to talk about community health. There were many interests from the people and there were folks from the Open Source program Office and different foundations. Concluding through the community health discussions, it leads to the evolution of CHAOSS at Open Source Summit North America 2017
Bitergia was formed in 2012 by a group of folks who were researching around community metric system and health. So Bitergia came forward to support the CHAOSS by providing various insights and metrics including a project(GrimoireLab) which they thought about donating or moving under the Linux Foundation. So after making fair research around metrics and the toolsets which could support the vision, it was decided to get these together and build the academics to study this phenomenal and formalize it whereas Bitergia on the other hand has the tools, providing professional services around The Linux Foundation. So all got together to participate in this project and worked several weeks and months on establishing it. Later the Grimoirlab became part of the CHAOSS community.
Some folks present at Open Source Summit North America from the Linux Foundation were keen to measure the community health issues and they started with the discussions of needing the metric mechanism, talking with various folks. It was not expected that someone would join the other people to discuss this topic but there were huge interests and folks after collaborating started with the CHAOSS as a Linux Foundation project.
Diversity and Inclusion are known to challenge unchecked assumptions and lead to more open and fair collaboration practices. Since diversity and inclusion are central to the health of open source communities so the CHAOSS Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Working Group was formed, aiming at bringing experiences to measure diversity and inclusion consistently across open source projects, supported by software where possible.
An OSS community goes through stages of Evolution. The state that a community is in may prove important when evaluating both across and within community concerns So evolution working group was formed to focus on the lifecycle of open source projects.
The Risk working group was formed to focus on metrics for issues pertaining to risk in open source. The Risk metric informs how much risk an OSS community might carry or pose.
Value group was formed to develop the metrics that, when measured, help make the impact of community work more transparent. Developers and organizations capture value from engaging in OSS communities. This set of metrics can inform what this value is.
CHAOSScon evolved from the Grimoirecon which Bitergia had been organizing before it became a part of CHAOSS in 2017, and the time when the Bitergia joined the CHAOSS, there were discussions to have the CHAOSS conference altogether. 1 year later when the Grimoirelab conference was organized it was initially called as CHAOSScon + Grimoirecon after the discussion but later it was just called as CHAOSScon because comunity thought that it was important for the individual projects to have its conference where they could Learn about open source project health metrics and tools used by open source projects, communities, and engineering teams to track and analyze their community work.
This page contains the roles and responsibilities of the CHAOSS community
Send a reminder about meetings
Prepare meetings
Lead meetings
Make sure meeting minutes are kept
Facilitate the creation and advancement of metrics/software
Answer questions about the history of the working group and metrics/software
Coordinate with other working groups on metrics/software
Report on weekly community call progress in the working group
Submit working group related topics to conferences
Review issues on the repository
Review and merge pull requests
Regularly check the repository for stale content
Coordinate metrics release for the working group
monitor issue tracker and pull requests
steer the architecture of the metrics/software
Regularly review the status of planning progress
Secure venue for the event
Secure catering for the event
Set up CFP for event
Promote CFP for event
Review CFP submissions and select talks
Build an agenda for the event
Coordinate with speakers that they are coming
Collect and upload slides from speakers
Make sure we have signage at the event
Secure funding from sponsors
Create and update conference website
Edit recordings from CHAOSScon sessions and upload them to YouTube
Consider the high-level strategy for the CHAOSS project
Participate in board meetings (~4 meetings per year) and vote on proposals.
Participate in email votes if called (outside of board meetings).
Represent concerns of community members at board meetings.
Attend monthly meetings to stay up to date with what is happening
Spread the word about CHAOSS, e.g., present at conferences.
Be a representative of the CHAOSS project.
Invite to board meetings
Prepare board meetings
Attend and participate in board meetings
Advance and execute community strategy
Maintain communication with Linux Foundation
Regularly review and update governance documents
Provide guidance to community members and working groups
Review metrics release spreadsheet
Coordinate with working groups to confirm the status of metrics
Double-check formatting on metrics
Create release notes
Tag release in working group repositories
Create release pages on the website
Create a PDF of released metrics
Collect themes from a week in the CHAOSS community - attend several meetings, especially community call
Write a summary of what is happening in the CHAOSS community
Update the dates of upcoming meetings
Send CHAOSSweekly to the mailing list
When a moderation request comes in, react to it
Like and re-tweet tweets about @CHAOSSproj that are relevant
Share status updates from @CHAOSSproj
Promote CHAOSS events
(luckily we have had no reports yet)
monitor mailing list to which reports can be made
respond to reports
Submit project ideas
Respond to interested students
Regularly meet with accepted mentees
Help mentees get started with the CHAOSS project and technologies
Report to the CHAOSS community how things are going with the mentees
post ideas for new features as issues
create pull requests for code changes
respond to reviews from maintainers on pull requests
Attend community and workgroup meetings
Register for mailing lists
Try to find ways to help
Catch up on GitHub and other tools used by CHAOSS
See how you can align what you do elsewhere with what goes on in CHAOSS
Ask questions about CHAOSS and what is being worked on
This page contains the content of the Handbook
The CHAOSS Community Handbook is a central for how we run the project. As part of our value of being transparent, the handbook is open to the world and we welcome feedback. Please make to suggest improvements or add clarifications. Please use to ask questions.
The published version of the Community Handbook can be found at .
A Linux Foundation open source project that advances our understanding of and tools for open source community health. Check out the
Any person who participates in and contributes to the CHAOSS community.
An organization represents a company or legal entity in the world engaging with the CHAOSS project.
A community is the people who share a common interest. The CHAOSS community consists of various diverse people who work on different interests related to open source community health.
A self-selected group of people who associate with the CHAOSS Community, no contribution required.
The people who are major contributors to CHAOSS through long-term participation in any working group.
A contributor who has the ability to commit directly to a project’s repository and are responsive to contributions or changes from other Contributors. Maintainers are listed in the README of each repository.
A group of people working together to achieve a specific goal. Within the CHAOSS community, these are established and maintained by project contributors to advance project work. Working Groups focus on a specific metric, methodological, ethical, and technical issues associated with open source community health.
The Governance Board is responsible for the overall oversight of the CHAOSS Project and coordination of the efforts of any Technical Committees and Working Groups inside the CHAOSS community.
People who register to attend a CHAOSS Project event.
A person who is a part of the organizing team of the CHAOSS conference - CHAOSScon.
The people who work for the successful release of metrics by coordinating with working groups and releasing it under the CHAOSS website.
A person within the community that takes care of the moderation mail list requests.
A person who responds to the CoC incident reports made on the mailing list.
CHAOSS Specific terms
The potential that an open-source software community continues developing quality software.
It is a software quality assurance activity under the CHAOSS that consciously and systematically convenes with one’s fellow programmers to check each other’s code for mistakes, and shows acceleration and streamlines towards the process of software development by following best practices.
Without data, you're just a person with an opinion
-- , Statistician
The open-source software metric within the CHAOSS project is a documented way of measuring and tracking the success of any open-source software/community.
The release of CHAOSS metrics represents the published work being done by CHAOSS Metrics Working Groups. The metrics are officially released biannually following a 30 day comment period. .
The focus area is a set of goals around which any open source software metric is defined. Inside CHAOSS, there are different Working Groups who have defined their own focus area around specific metrics.
The person who handles the CHAOSS Twitter handle and who is responsible for likes, re-tweets, and sharing status updates from .
CHAOSScon is a conference organized by CHAOSS Community annually which fosters around the topics - open source project health, CHAOSS updates, use cases, and hands-on workshops for developers, community managers, project managers, and anyone interested in measuring open source project health. It also shares insights from the CHAOSS working groups on Diversity and Inclusion, Evolution, Risk, Value, and Common Metrics. .
The CHAOSS Community podcast that elevates conversations about metrics, analytics, and software for measuring open source community health. .
CHAOSSbog is the CHAOSS community blog hub hosted on the website for which anyone can contribute to getting published on the CHAOSS website.
It is the central directory - Youtube, where you can find all the recorded community meeting calls that are held within the CHAOSS Community.
It is the directory where all the weekly newsletters are hosted.
The Charter sets forth the responsibilities and procedures for technical contribution to and oversight of, the CHAOSS – Community Health Analytics Open Source Software Project (the “Project”) within The Linux Foundation. Contributors to the Project must comply with the terms of the Charter as well as any applicable policies of The Linux Foundation.
Path to CHAOSS Leadership
A leaderis someone who has specific decision-making power over some part of a group and thus additional accountability and can help with prioritizing and planning activities in the project.
I think that a leader in the CHAOSS community is someone who helps advance the project by contributing directly and coordinating work with others. Leaders should regularly attend the weekly community meetings to report on the work of their respective working group.
-- Georg J.P. Link, Director of Sales at Bitergia; Cofounder of CHAOSS
Leadership sets the tone for the culture, values, and communication style for everyone else. I think a CHAOSS leader (whether it be informal or formal) should embody and foster empathy, compassion, and respect for everyone else working on the project, no matter in what capacity. I think that being an excellent communicator and having a passion for helping open source projects prioritize and measure their community's health is also helpful.
-- Elizabeth Barron, Community manager at CHAOSS
We are a volunteer-drivenorganization which means the work within the CHAOSS community is focused around the creation of metrics and software which depend upon the contributions made by external individuals and communities. We need people to direct the vision of creation, planning, and architecture of new initiatives within the community in order to drive through the better objectives.
The CHAOSS community has defined its different set of leadership roles under a specific set of community guidelines and governance policies.
Leadership that focuses on building amazing projects and good engineering teams across the community
Checklistbefore becoming a Maintainer
NOTE: Usually existing maintainers elevate others to become maintainers when they see it helpful for the project.
Leadership involved in the process of decision making within the community
NOTE: New board members are nominated and voted into office by existing board members. Co-leads of the board are nominated and voted into office by existing board members.
Leadership that addresses every aspect of the community model
NOTE: The community manager is a paid position and is hired through a job-application process. Selected community members are asked to serve on the search committee to review applications, interview candidates, and make a recommendation.
Ethics we follow
Be welcoming and open-minded - Other collaborators may not have the same experience level or background as you, but that doesn't mean they don't have good ideas to contribute. We encourage you to be welcoming to new collaborators and those just getting started. We value, encourage all types of contributions. We don’t assume you can contribute for free, we respect and thank you.
Be honest - Being honest helps you to move to better consensus building. So Be honest about who you are, what you do, and how you want to do it. Dishonesty is not only damaging to you but to all other community members and their valuable contributions. Don’t be the one bringing mistrust into this community.
Be respectful - We don't tolerate being disrespectful. Being a jerk will not get you a place in this community, it will turn people away so we don’t want noise in the system. Be civil and professional, and don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. Don’t harass or grief anyone. Treat each other with dignity and consideration in all interactions.
Be collaborative - Collaboration reduces redundancy and improves the quality of our work. Internally and externally, we celebrate good collaboration. Wherever possible, we work closely with upstream projects and others in the free software community to coordinate our efforts. We prefer to work transparently and involve interested parties as early as possible.
Be mindful and stay on topic - People use the CHAOSS project for creating analytics and metrics to help define the community health. So off-topic comments are sometimes unproductive while collaborating. Staying on topic helps produce positive and productive discussions. Additionally, communicating with strangers on the Internet can be difficult. It's hard to convey or read tone, and sarcasm is frequently misunderstood. Try to use clear language, and think about how it will be received by the other person.
Be inclusive - Everyone within the community has the right to speak to any decision taken. You should have the freedom to participate in different decisions and actions taken within the community publically and put forward your perspective. Adding your perspective will result in a more broad outcome towards that decision. Whoever you are, you have a unique perspective and unique skills that you can contribute to a collective.
Be focused - We value community people's time and perspective so If you need to decide or propose something as a team or individual, make a concrete proposal with directing the focused area more clearly instead of calling a meeting to get everyone's input. Having a proposal will be a much more effective use of everyone's time.
Share the love - We should be appreciable for any decision/idea proposed within the community and should share some love by appreciating it. If someone achieves something within the community then share it on your social handles with your friends, let the world know, and receive some love in return.
Threats of violence - You may not threaten violence towards others or use the site to organize, promote, or incite acts of real-world violence or terrorism. Think carefully about the words you use, the images you post, and even the software you write, and how they may be interpreted by others.
Sexually obscene content - The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
Bullying - Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
Harassment - Public or private harassment
Invasion of privacy - Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
Misinformation - Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
Checklistbefore becoming a Website Maintainer
Checklistbefore becoming a Documentation Maintainer
Checklistfor becoming a Board Member and Decisions Maker
Checklistfor becoming the Community Manager
There are a variety of actions that we may take when a user reports inappropriate behavior or content. Please follow the "Enforcement" within the that denotes the appropriate outcome of the inappropriate behavior.
Terminology across working groups
The group that focuses on defining the metrics that are used by both working groups or are important for community health, but that does not cleanly fit into one of the other existing working groups.
The group that aims to bring together experiences measuring diversity and inclusion in open source projects.
The group which focusses on refining the metrics that inform evolution and to work with software implementations.
The group which focuses on compliance and risk metrics.
The working group that focuses on industry-standard metrics for economic value in open source.
This working group connects the GrimoireLab software development with metrics work in other CHAOSS working groups.
This working group connects the Augur software development with metrics work in other CHAOSS working groups.
This working group connects the Cregit software development with metrics work in other CHAOSS working groups.
This working group applies CHAOSS metrics in the context of an open-source app ecosystem. The mission of this working group is to build a base set of metrics that is focused on the needs of open source communities that are part of the FOSS app ecosystem.
The working group that encourages projects and events to obtain D&I badges for reasons of pride, leadership, self-reflection, and self-improvement on issues critical to building the Internet as a social good.
It contains the details of how to use specific terms
For clear and consistent communication, it’s important to always use the correct terminology. Remember:
If you’re unsure which term to use, look for existing terminology
Never create a new term when an existing one is available to you.
Be extremely cautious when using jargon words They can confuse new users and cause problems with internationalization.
The below terms are used as a proper noun (name) for a specific role or entity. Please capitalize on the following terms in the documentation and in the app
Example: GrimoireLab is a CHAOSS toolset for software development analytics.
Google Summer of Code
Google Season of Docs
The below words are used a lot in common language and don't need to be capitalized all the time, but when referring specifically within the documentation it is like a proper name, so it can be capitalized to better communicate what you mean.
Example: CHAOSS metrics are sorted into Focus Areas.
Code of Conduct
Common Metric
Diversity & Inclusion
Focus Area
Governance Board
Metric Release
Open Source Community Health
Organization Administrators
Working Groups
You may find the words written within the documentation, website, or Github repositories in the abbreviated form. Below are the words with their full forms:
CHAOSS - Community Health Analytics Open Source Software
WG - Working Group
D&I - Diversity and Inclusion
GB - Governance Board
CoC - Code of Conduct
GSoC - Google Summer of Code
GSoD - Google Season of Docs
LF - The Linux Foundation
The CHAOSS Community Podcast
This is CHAOSScast, the CHAOSS Community Podcast where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software or short CHAOSS project to where ever you like to listen.
This is a CHAOSS Community project and should never rely on one person only.
Each role is occupied by different people each episode.
The organizer is responsible for the invitation, scheduling, preparation, coordination, moderation, and monitoring the podcast email. Each episode has exactly one (1) organizer. An organizer is also a panelist.
Georg Link
Samantha Venia Logan
Dylan Marcy
Sean Goggins
... (you?)
A panelist is responsible for research, asking questions, and adding to the conversation on the podcast. These panelists have agreed to be invited to every new episode. Not everyone should be on every episode. Organizers are also panelists.
Matt Broberg
Matt Germonprez
Dawn Foster
Kevin Lumbard
Brian Proffitt
Don Marti
Nicole Huesman
Daniel Izquierdo
Andrea Gallo
Kate Stewart
Armstrong Foundjem
Sophia Vargas
... you?
A guest is requested to discuss up-front what they want to talk about and provide references.
We have a Planning Guests document to keep track of who we want to invite.
A coordinator assists with the finer details of confirming podcast dates/times and acts as a central point of communication for all other roles. This role also sends out post-podcast thank you gifts. This is currently assigned to the CHAOSS Community Manager.
Google Drive Maintained by Paul Bahr, our sound editor
Google Drive Maintained by CHAOSScast Organizers
CHAOSScast Calendar for recording dates and epsiode release schedule
Email address for podcast, forwarded to Organizers: podcast@chaoss.community
The CHAOSS community discussed names on the mailing list. Aastha Bist's suggestion CHAOSScast was an instant favorite. We considered longer names that were more descriptive but decided to go with the short CHAOSScast and leave SEO to the description
The CHAOSS Community podcast elevates conversations about metrics, analytics, and software for measuring open source community health.
This podcast fills the gap with open source community metric definitions and software on one side and their use in different contexts on the other side. We invite guests to this podcast to talk about how they use open source community health metrics and software in their own open source communities, companies, or foundations. The panelists are CHAOSS Community members who spent considerable time and effort to understand open source community health and how we can measure it through metrics, analytics and software.
This podcast fills a gap in the CHAOSS community by sharing specific use cases for metrics and exploring how metrics are used in different contexts.
Anyone interested in open source community and project metrics, including OSPO managers, Community Managers, open source Maintainers, Linux Foundation Employees, Community Members, DevRel managers
[Include] Interviews with people who do metrics for their community, project, foundation, or company
[Include] Use cases, metrics that matter in specific industries (e.g., high regulated environments as banks)
[Include] coverage of metrics platforms not considered for future integration into CHAOSS
[Include] non-OSS markets such as marketing brand communities and corporate social circles
[Include] active calls for experiments and/or data sets for ongoing case studies?
[Exclude] quantitative data metrics not related to communities but having much to do with general measurement including ROASS and Paid ad traffic
[Exclude] developing situations and case studies that are more recent than one month or still ongoing
A panel of 2-3 CHAOSS members interviews guest(s) who have done or used OSS metrics in their specific context. The interview is about the specific use case of the guest.
Each recording is scheduled for 1.5h and a released episode targeting 30-40 minutes. The following is the ideal structure:
Intro music and intro to CHAOSScast
Intro of panelists
Intro of guest(s)
Interview with guest
Value adds or picks
Thank You's and outro with music
Tell us about yourself and your background.
Tell us about the open source community and project metrics you use.
How were these metrics decided on to be important?
What decisions do you make based on these metrics?
What tools do you use for the metrics?
Who else sees these metrics and how are the metrics integrated in your workflows?
"what amazing thing did you do?", "what was the community like before it happened?" "When did you realize something needed to change?" "how did you go about getting the thing done?" "what was the end result?" “why dos what you did matter to the listener’s communities?” “what advice do you have to make doing the same thing easier?”
What are your hopes for CHAOSS in the future?
Documenting any automation configured to date.
Georg Link has an IFTT recipe to:
If new item in this RSS feed https://feeds.fireside.fm/chaosscast/rss
Then tweet it from @CHAOSSproj
Example tweet: https://twitter.com/CHAOSSproj/status/1256137855606444032
These procedures are for the organizer and coordinator of each episode:
Think of who would make a good guest for the podcast and ask them tentatively if you may invite them
Step 1: Determine a guest (Anyone)
Action: Recruit interview guest and decide topic and content of the podcast together
Step 2: Coordinate Episode (Coordinator)
Action: Send invitation email (content TBD) to guest to find a few potential suitable dates and times (60-90 minutes.)
Action: Notify organizer of guest's date and time possibilities, and confirm one.
Action: Prepare the planning document (copy the Episode Planning Document template and start filling in information.)
Action: send out an invitation email for panelists to RSVP yes or no (list of email addresses)
Prioritize those who said they were interested in the topic
If needed, invite new panelists
Action: Confirm with 1-2 panelists that replied "yes" and notify others who replied yes that the panel is already complete.
Action: Reserve the session on the Rebase.fm Calendly for recording purposes.
Action: Send calendar invitation with confirmed date of the podcast (only the guest, organizer, and panelists that will be in the episode
The event has to be created in the CHAOSScast calendar
All organizers should have full access to the calendar (i.e., Make changes and manage sharing)
Name calendar event:🎙 CHAOSScast {with guest}
Start with the microphone emoticon (🎙) to signal recording meeting
Action: Send out a confirmation email that includes the “how we podcast” document to guests and panelists
Action: Update the episode planning document with recording time and zoom link
Action: Update the episode overview table
Action: If the episode is more than two weeks out, schedule a reminder email for 1 week before the episode recording
Action: Schedule a reminder email for 24-hours before the episode recording
Step 3: Finalize Content (Organizer)
Action: Update the episode planning document with the main topics and questions
Step 4: Post-Episode Thank You Notes (Coordinator)
Action: When the episode is scheduled for release that week, notify guest and get their mailing address
Action: Sign thank you note and assemble with swag
Action: Mail out thank you note with swag
Action: Add date of shipment on episode overview table to confirm it was sent
On day of podcast (Organizer and Panelists):
Action: Review the CHAOSScast Recording Procedures before the session starts
Feel good about yourself and get excited!
When podcast session starts (Organizer and Panelists):
Join the Zoom room on time (records automatically)
Be yourself
Justin will send a notification (email or on Slack) After podcast is edited
Review the planning document for any notes of interest
Download the shownotes and MP3 file from Dropbox
Download the cover art from Dropbox
Upload the shownotes to google drive and use Convert to Markdown to get markdown format
In Fireside, create missing panelists and guests
Slug is firstname-lastname
(e.g., georg-link
Status: public
The other information should be in the Episode Planning Document
In Fireside, create a new episode
Permalink: # (only the number of episode)
Visibility: Public
Publish on: a Friday at 3 AM US Central Time
Title: Title from the Episode Planning Document
Title Format: Episode 123: My Great Title (default)
Content: Clean (unless we used swear words)
Summary: First paragraph from the Show Notes are a good starting point
Description: Insert the show notes in Markdown format.
Hint: convert show notes to Google Doc and export as Markdown
Keywords: (use sparingly to avoid keyword cannibilization)
Tags: (empty) -- we can use tags later for having sub-podcasts
Hosts and Guests: activate everyone who was on the show. Regular panelists are all hosts, even when they are guest on an episode.
Social Media Destinations: (ignore)
Apple Podcasts Settings: (ignore)
MP3 File: upload MP3 file provided by CPN through Dropbox
Cover Art: upload cover art from Dropbox with the correct episode number
Header Image: (ignore, will use default)
Transcript: (ignore)
Update the template CHAOSScast Calendar event (🎧 (TBD) Release CHAOSScast episode) for the release date (i.e., remove (TBD)
and add epsiode number and title)
Schedule an email to the CHAOSS mailing list for the release day and time (template)
Include in upcoming CHAOSS Weekly newsletter
ITTT automated (RSS feed publishing):
Schedule a tweet through Tweetdeck
Advertise outside of CHAOSS
SustainOSS Forum (?)
SustainOSS sponsors CHAOSScast and covers the cost of hosting, editing, and show notes. CHAOSScast currently doesn't generate revenue. An idea for the future is to include CHAOSScast as an option along other sponsorship opportunities like CHAOSScon.
Georg Link was the key person behind the idea to launch a CHAOSS Community Podcast and the first organizer.
Matt Broberg was the second organizer to join the team and helped establish the podcast.
Justin Dorfman worked with Georg and Matt B to onboard CHAOSScast to the CodeFund Podcast Network and define the procedures required for scheduling, recording, and publishing episodes.
Matt Germonprez and Dawn Foster were the first panelists. (Listen to Epsiode 1)
Paul Bahr from Peachtree Sound is the editor who makes us all sound awesome.
Process of metric approval
The CHAOSS Metrics Committee defines implementation-agnostic metrics for assessing open source communities' health and sustainability. The CHAOSS Metrics Committee's goals are to establish implementation-agnostic metrics for measuring community activity, contributions, and health; and optionally produce standardized metric exchange formats, detailed use cases, models, or recommendations to analyze specific issues in the industry/OSS world.
We already have many metrics listed under various working groups but you can also propose your own metric if you don't find listed in the existing metrics. Here is the list of all the existing metrics within CHAOSS
There are different working groups that foster around their focus areas. So once you have a valid plan for your metric, we find a working group that is best aligned and has an interest in the metric.
We add the metric to our Metrics Tracking Sheet
Someone writes a draft for the metric using our Template for Metric using google docs. The person proposing the metric could do this.
The working group discusses the metric and makes the required changes.
A markdown version of the metric is added to the working group repository.
The metric is ready for the Continuous Metric Contribution and Regular Release
Whenever there is a language or terminology change that would affect other metric references.
Changing the name of a metric (in any way)
Any changes that go beyond grammar or spelling fixes in the sections:
Does not require review:
Grammar or spelling fixes (not including metric name)
Updates to sections References and Contributors
We value what you believe
Just like the rest of our work, we continually adjust our values and strive to make them better. The CHAOSS values are a living document. In many instances, they have been documented, refined, and revised based on lessons learned in the course of working effectively and efficiently.
So this section is our core which reflects how we organize ourselves, community guidelines, community ethics, all the way down to how we invest in ourselves!
Everyone is welcome to suggest improvements.
CHAOSS community is a value-driven organization and here is what we believed in:
Our goal is focused on creating software and metrics to help define community health. We are also interested in having a “healthy” CHAOSS community where people have an interest in keeping the project going, helping others to participate, responding to community challenges, developing new innovations, and so forth. We can’t achieve these things without the help of everyone, creating sustainability for our metrics, software, and people in the working groups.
Openness is the key to any open source project. Work in the CHAOSS community is primarily organized around software and metrics. Additionally, user groups provide ways to consider how software and practices can support the deployment of CHAOSS metrics. Following through the definition of the openness, The CHAOSS community is dedicated to fostering an open and welcoming environment for all people. Anyone can join the mailing list, participate in Zoom meetings, or contribute to any of our projects on GitHub at any time! We strive to be open!
Being transparent about as many things as possible is an aim for the open source ecosystem. By making information public, we reduce the threshold to contribution and make collaboration easier. We appreciate the use of public issue trackers, projects, and repositories on GitHub when possible.
We make information public by default because transparency is one of our values. As such, a large category of CHAOSS information is public unless there is a reason for it not to be. We have CHAOSS community calls and working group meetings every week and we welcome everyone, who is not only within the core team but also who has keen interests to participate and support our structure.
When information is not public, it may also be treated as limited access, only shared with certain CHAOSS community members.
Diversity, inclusion, and belonging are fundamental to the success of the CHAOSS community. We aim to make a significant impact on our efforts to foster an environment where everyone can thrive. We take a positive approach to ensure that the CHAOSS community is a place where all people can belong and contribute. We actively reflect on a culture that is inclusive and supports everyone equally in the process of achieving their goals. We continually work to welcome and support everyone in our community.
We are consistent, over time, with metric and software development. This consistency helps us to maintain the momentum of the project and the improvements within that. Consistency requires the following things:
Commitment. We are dependable, reliable, and responsible for our decisions and actions. We’re committed to long-term success and we prefer not taking shortcuts.
Empowerment. We encourage building skills and spaces that help us focus on our goals.
Mindfulness. We prefer momentum while remembering our mission. We encourage regular feedback and happily learn from our mistakes.
We maintain community health by providing ways for others to contribute to and use CHAOSS metrics and software. With support from a wide variety of people, we are a diverse, inclusive, and growing community where all people have equal opportunities to contribute.
Earning trust in our open source community is essential. Building trust takes time, concerted effort, and an environment where everyone can contribute. We work to stabilize the development of strong community bonds, the safety and privacy of all, and an environment where people contribute to our project at a personal level.
Work in the CHAOSS community is organized around software and metrics. Stemming from these, CHAOSS programs and user groups provide ways to consider how CHAOSS metrics and software can support the ways that we understand open source community health. As organizations and communities have been utilizing the CHAOSS work to measure the health of their respective communities, our metrics and software are demonstrating utility in ways that help in improving the open source community health for all.
The handbook started two years after the CHAOSS project was established. We knew that undocumented processes and implicit knowledge were hindering new members from contributing and caused for unnecessary coordination. The handbook was created to capture the roles, responsibilities, and processes within the CHAOSS project and to make this knowledge available to everyone.
At CHAOSS our handbook is new and keeping it relevant is an important part of everyone's job. It is a vital part of who we are and how we communicate. We established these processes because we saw these benefits:
Reading is much faster than listening.
Reading is async, you don't have to interrupt someone or wait for them to become available.
Recruiting is easier if people can see what we stand for and how we operate.
Retention is better if people know what they are getting into before they join.
On-boarding is easier if you can find all relevant information spelled out.
Teamwork is easier if you can read how other parts of the community work.
Discussing changes is easier if you can read what the current process is.
Communicating change is easier if you can just point to the diff.
Everyone can contribute to it by proposing a change via a pull request.
A (process) problem comes up, frequently in an issue or chat.
A proposal is made in a pull request to the handbook.
Once merged, the change is announced by linking to the diff in the pull request or commit. Major ones are put in the agenda of the monthly call. Medium ones are posted on the mailing list for visibility, with a one line summary of the change. If there was an issue, close it out with a link to the diff.
Documenting in the handbook before taking an action may require more time initially because you have to think about where to make the change, integrate it with the existing content, and then possibly add to or refactor the handbook to have a proper foundation. But, it saves time in the long run, and this communication is essential to our ability to continue scaling and adapting our organization.
This process is not unlike writing tests for your software. Only communicate a (proposed) change via a change to the handbook; don't use a presentation, email, chat message, or another medium to communicate the components of the change. These other forms of communication might be more convenient for the presenter, but they make it harder for the audience to understand the context and the implications for other potentially affected processes.
Having a "handbook first" mentality ensures there is no duplication; the handbook is always up to date, and others are better able to contribute.
Please follow these guidelines and remind others of them.
Most guidelines in this handbook are meant to help, and unless otherwise stated, are meant to help more than being absolute rules. Don't be afraid to do something because you don't know the entire handbook, nobody does. Be gentle when reminding people about these guidelines. For example say, "It is not a problem, but next time please consider the following guideline from the handbook."
If you ask a question and someone answers with a link to the handbook, they do this because they want to help by providing more information. They may also be proud that we have the answer documented. It doesn't mean that you should have read the entire handbook, nobody knows the entire handbook.
If you need to ask a community member for help, please realize that there is a good chance the majority of the community also doesn't know the answer. Be sure to document the answer to radiate this information to the whole community. After the question is answered, discuss where it should be documented and who will do it. You can remind other people of this request by asking "Who will document this?"
When you discuss something in chat always try to link to a URL where relevant. For example, the documentation you have a question about or the page that answered your question. You can remind other people of this by asking "Can you please link?"
Remember, the handbook is not what we hope to do, what we should formally do, or what we did months ago. It is what we do right now. Make sure you change the handbook in order to truly change a process. To propose a change to a process, make a pull request to change the handbook. Don't use another channel to propose a handbook change (e.g., email, Google Doc, or weekly call).
The handbook is the process. Any sections with names like 'process', 'policies', 'best practices', or 'standard operating procedures' are an indication of a deeper problem. This may indicate a duplication between a prose description of a process and a numbered list description of the same process that should be combined in one description of the process.
When communicating something always include a link to the relevant (and up-to-date) part of the handbook instead of including the text in the email/chat/etc. You can remind other people of this by asking "Can you please link to the relevant part of the handbook?"
To change a guideline or process, suggest an edit in the form of a pull request. After it is merged you can talk about it during the weekly call if applicable. You can remind other people of this by asking "Can you please send a pull request for the handbook?"
Communicate process changes by linking to the merged diff (a commit that shows the changes before and after). If you are communicating a change for the purpose of discussion and feedback, it is ok to link to an unmerged diff. Do not change the process first, and then view the documentation as a lower priority task. Planning to do the documentation later inevitably leads to duplicate work communicating the change and it leads to outdated documentation. You can remind other people of this by asking "Can you please update the handbook first?"
Like everything else, our processes are always in flux. Everything is always in draft, and the initial version should be in the handbook, too. If you are proposing a change to the handbook, whenever possible, skip the issue and submit a pull request. (Proposing a change via a pull request is preferred over an issue description). Mention the people that are affected by the change in the pull request. In many cases, pull requests are easier to collaborate on since you can see the proposed changes.
If something is a limited test to a group of users, add it to the handbook and note as such. Then remove the note once the test is over and every case should use the new process.
If someone inside or outside CHAOSS makes a good suggestion invite them to add it to the handbook. Send the person the url of the relevant page and section and offer to do it for them if they can't. Having them make and send the suggestion will make the change and will reflect their knowledge.
When you submit a pull request, make sure that it gets merged quickly. Making single, small changes quickly will ensure your branch doesn't fall far behind master, creating merge conflicts. Aim to make and merge your update on the same day. Mention people in the pull request. If you get a suggestion for a large improvement on top of the existing one consider doing that separately. Create an issue, get the exiting pull request merged, then create a new pull request.
If you have to move content have a pull request that moves it and does nothing else. If you want to clean it up, summarize it, or expand on it do that after the moving pull request is merged. This is much easier to review.
Try to add the why of a handbook process, what is the goal, what is the inspiration for this section. Adding the why makes processes easier to change in the future since you can evaluate if the why changed.
Single Source of Truth Think about the information architecture to eliminate repetition and have a Single Source of Truth (SSoT). Instead of repeating content cross-link it (each text has a hyperlink to the other piece). If you copy content please remove it at the origin place and replace it with a link to the new content. Duplicate content leads to having to update it in multiple changes, which is a lot of work and very easy to forget. If you forget one of the pieces of content is out of date.
Make sure to always cross-link items if there are related items (elsewhere in the handbook, in docs, or in issues).
The handbook is organized by function and result to ensure every item in it has a location and owner to keep it up to date. It's essential that we adhere to this hierarchy and that we not maintain separate structures for training materials, videos, or other documentation.
At times, a change of perspective may be desired. In those cases, link to relevant sections of the handbook liberally.
Avoid unstructured content based on formats like FAQs, lists of links, resource pages, glossaries, courses, videos, tests, or how-to's. These are very hard to keep up-to-date and are not compatible with organization per function and result.
Instead, put the answer, link, definition, course, video, or test in the most relevant place. Use descriptive headers so that people can easily search for content.
That said, please mix formats where and when appropriate in the handbook, even within a single page. Utilizing multiple formats can be valuable, and different people may prefer certain formats over others.
Worry only about the organization per function and result, not about how the page will look if you embed varying types and formats of content.
Use headers liberally. If a page includes more than two headers (especially if it's larger than a single "screen"), add a Table of Contents (ToC).
KISS principle Keep your handbook pages short and succinct. Eliminate fluff and get right to the point with the shortest possible wording.
How to contribute through development
GrimoireLab: Python, Vue.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, MySQL, Django, GraphQL.
Augur: Python, Flask Vue.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, Jupyter.
You'll need to have some basic programming experience with the technologies and tools we use.
Clone, commit and open a PR using Git and GitHub. Check out the following tutorials:
The CHAOSS community's projects have been divided in the following ways:
Data retrieval related components:
Data enrichment related components:
Data consumption related components:
Platform management, orchestration, and common utils:
Contains the details about working groups
Dictionary says, "Working Group is a group of experts working together to achieve specified goals" and this is what CHAOSS Working Groups signifies - The groups that are primarily organized around metrics and software.
In order to learn more about these groups, you should refer to their GitHub repositories.
Working Groups around Metric
Working Groups around Software
Working Groups around User Groups
The CHAOSS community is dedicated to fostering an open and welcoming environment for all contributors.
The CHAOSS community welcomes and encourages participation from anyone. We believe that our culture is focused on diversity and inclusion which is the key driver of our creativity, innovation, and invention.
We welcome contributions from everyone as long as they interact constructively with our community by participating in working groups meeting calls and providing feedback, and suggestions on metrics and software.
NOTE: People not participating over a 3 month period may be removed as core contributors.
But if you are unable to relate, open up the issue within the relevant repository of the working group and explain the focus area along with its goal
Once you submit, it will be reviewed by maintainers and will be discussed in the respective working group meeting call.
Most of the work within the working group is done in the following ways:
Issues for keeping track of metrics we are working on with the links to google docs
We use general google docs for collaborating and discussing on a specific metrics
We use markdown files
in the working group for a more permanent place for metric
We continue the discussion in the pull request until we decide to merge it
Working groups work through calls and asynchronously through documents to move towards the decision
We love hearing about new metrics that provide insights into the relevant working group. For refining any new metric working groups follow this:
Metrics should be defined sufficiently and appropriately
General contributing Workflow
We love pull requests from everyone! We follow the standard Git workflow of fork
👉 change
👉 pull request
👉 merge
👉 update fork
... (repeat forever). If you are new to open source, we recommend GitHub's excellent guide on "". In addition, please feel free to reach out to any of the maintainers or other community members if you are struggling; we are here to help you learn!
Before getting started, please make sure you've read the README of the respective project repository to get a primer on our project.
If you're experiencing an issue with any project or have a question you'd like help answering, please feel free to open an issue in the respective repository of the project. To help us prevent duplicates, we kindly ask that you briefly search for your problem or question in our issues before opening a new one.
Please note that if you open a bug report and your issue does not follow our template, we cannot help you until you have provided us all the relevant information in that format. Respectfully, we do not have the time to try and recreate an error given with minimal or no context, so by providing this information you are helping us help you! You will see this template when you open an issue; click on "Bug Report" and it will be populated with descriptions of what to put in each section. Replace the descriptions with your comments to the best of your ability, and please include screenshots and error logs if applicable.
You are required to fork the repository on your Github. Follow the in order to understand the steps to fork any repository
You should clone your fork. This step is needed only once. Using as an example below;
This is the step where you make desired changes to the codebase inside the respective repository.
At this point, you're waiting on us. We like to at least comment on pull requests within three business days (and, typically, one business day). Once one of our maintainers has had a chance to review your PR, we will either mark it as "needs review" and provide specific feedback on your changes, or we will go ahead and complete the pull request.
NOTE: Any pull requests containing commits that are not signed off will not be eligible for merge until the commits have been signed off.
CHAOSS Meetings Procedure
We have a meeting in Zoom and record in Zoom
We announce at the beginning of each meeting that we're recording the meeting
Recordings are automatically uploaded to YouTube as private
After our meetings, someone needs to publish the recordings on YouTube
Update video name
Add a description that includes a link to the minutes' document and archive in the Governance repo
Configure thumbnail image to show on YouTube for video ()
Add video to appropriate YouTube playlist
Publish video
Update meeting minutes by pasting the link to the video there
Step-by-step instructions for releasing CHAOSS Metrics
The version number is YYYY-MM
of the release date. Continuous Metric Contributions do not get a separate version number.
The goal is to have short cycles of feedback and to get metrics out sooner.
Coordinate release of metric through
Decide in a working group that a metric is ready for release.
Create a release notes issue within the working group repository and update information for each new metric released. This issue will be used to create the regular release cadence release notes.
Create an issue for collecting feedback on that metric before release.
Include a message in the metric mark down file that the metric will be part of the next regular release. The message should be at the top metric markdown file using the following format:
###This metric is a release candidate To comment on this metric please see Following a comment period, this metric will be included in the next regular release.
Add metric to metric page with a "under review" tag and link to the feedback issue.
Add an item on the Release History page in the Continuous Metric Contributions Since Last Release section stating that the metric was added.
Announce the new metric on the mailing list and point to the issue and the markdown page for feedback. Update community on weekly zoom call.
Address feedback in issue and through edits to the markdown page.
The metric stays under review until after the next regular release
The regular release is when we update the version number, update the full release notes, and make a big announcement. These releases occur one to two times a year and may correspond with the dates for CHAOSScon North America and Europe.
2 months before release
Decide on a release date, coordinate with working groups
1 month +1 week before release
Finalize which metrics to include in the release
All metrics should be prepared as CMC process described above
Add information on the /metric page about the review period and planned release deadline
Announce Review Period on mailing list
Working Groups review and respond to comments as the come in
Request reviews in newsletter, Twitter, all community calls during review period
Working groups draft release notes
1 week before release
Announce on mailing list that review period is closed
Prepare the final release (see below)
Update /metrics page
Update release notes
Prepare the PDF release
Day of release
All the work was done before
Announce on mailinglist and Twitter and all other channels
Determine release version number (<year>-<month>
) because it will be used for several steps
Extend list of contributors to include those who contributed to the new and previous releases
Update list of governing board members at time of release
Working Groups respond to all comments in the issues and close them
Working Groups merge or close all pull requests related to the release
Working Groups remove the request for review from the top of all metrics
Release Engineer creates a release tag in all working groups to freeze metrics for release
Tag name: release-<year>-<month>
Description: Release notes for that working group, include full list of metrics released
Release Engineer updates metric pages to pull from release tag (always pull from master, snapshot exists in repo as a tagged commit and PDF)
Release Engineer cleans up /metrics
by removing everything not needed in final release
Release Engineer cleans up the release notes page
Release Engineer creates a PDF of the release (see section below)
Release Engineer links the PDF on the /metrics
and release notes page
The PDF is created from the website.
Make sure to not print menu, footer, "to-top" or any other elements that we don't want in the PDF
The Metrics are saved as PDFs from the browser (Chrome, print).
Name the files in order #) Metric Name.pdf
(the user script will help with naming the pages like this, need to add the number manually after saving)
The CHAOSS Metrics by Working Groups and Focus Areas
pages are the /metrics page saved as PDF
Remove the list of contributors and copyright notice from the bottom, they will be in the front-matter
Name the file CHAOSS Metrics by Working Groups and Focus Areas.pdf
update all of the information
save as PDF with any name
Name the file The MIT License.pdf
Above steps should create the following files:
The front-matter PDF
CHAOSS Metrics by Working Groups and Focus Areas.pdf
#) Metric Name.pdf
for each metric
Release History.pdf
The MIT License.pdf
Merge the files (except the front-matter) in the order listed above
Merge settings
YES: Add a footer
Bookmarks handling: Create one entry for each merged document
Table of contents: Generate from file names
After creating the merged document, add the front-matter
If you use PDFsam again, make sure to change the settings:
NO: Add a footer
Bookmarks handling: Retain bookmarks
Table of contents: Don't generate
As our process for developing metrics evolves, we will implement a process to go back to old metrics and review every two years. Specifically, after 4 release cycles, we should review metrics and see whether they are still aligned with
Our current metric structure,
Our current metric style, and
The original intention of the metric, and if so, whether the metric's language and/or intention requires updating.
What Types of Changes are suitable for continuous release?
Whenever there is a language or terminology change that would affect other metric references.
Changing the name of a metric (in any way)
Any changes that go beyond grammar or spelling fixes in the sections:
Types of metric changes that do not require review:
Grammar or spelling fixes (not including metric name)
Updates to sections References and Contributors
Ultimately, we need a gardener who ensures consistency and flags metrics that need to be “updated”.
Understanding the CHAOSS terminology
We have developed some terminology to describe the interaction and roles within the CHAOSS community. Please understand and use these terms to overcome any conflicts
Mentorship terminology
The members of the CHAOSS community who manage CHAOSS's participation in various programs like , , and .
Mentors are people from the CHAOSS community who volunteer to work with a student. Mentors provide guidance such as pointers to useful documentation, code reviews, etc. In addition to providing students with feedback and pointers, a mentor acts as an ambassador to help student contributors integrate into their project’s community. CHAOSS community has mentors helping in , , and .
Mentees are the aspirants who participate under the CHAOSS community through open-source programs like , , and .
CHAOSS Mentorship Alumni is a directory as a specific page on the CHAOSS website which hosts the records of all the mentees who have worked with CHAOSS in any of the open-source programs in the past. ****
Headers should have normal capitalization: don't use or ).
Before a header, leave two blank lines; after a header, leave one blank line; this is , but it is our convention.
All documentation that also applies to code contributions from the wider community should be in the GitLab CE project (for example in or the ), not the Handbook, which is only for team members. Read more in the section of the Handbook.
The handbook is for things concerning current and future GitLab team members only. If something concerns users of GitLab, it should be documented in the , the , the or the .
The idea of the handbook originated from . In the spirit of open source, we have copied some passages from GitLab's Handbook.
: The main repository for the GrimoireLab project, contains the information and details of all the tools.
: Tutorial and guides for GrimoireLab.
: Retrieval of data from data sources.
: Source data analysis with external tools.
: Batch processing for massive retrieval.
: Storage and enrichment of data.
: Generic data processor.
: Identity management.
: Dashboard, downstream version of Kibana.
: Visualizations and dashboards.
: Visualizations and dashboards manager.
: Reporting.
: Orchestration.
: Common utilities.
: Web-based user interface to manage repositories and projects for Mordred.
: Augur is a tool for collecting and measuring structured data about and (FOSS) communities.
: Augur's Open Source License coverage tool. Provides license identification by file, identification of non-OSI compliant licenses, and percentage of a project with license declarations.
: Auggie implementation utilizing Amazon Lex to classify messages.
: A set of Jupyter Lab Notebooks and Other Implementations of Community Reports in Standard Form.
: Cregit is a framework of tools that facilitates the analysis and visualization of the evolution of source code stored in git repositories.
Check out our for participating within the different working groups. Don't forget to experience it!
Here are the steps to define any new Focus Areaof metric inside any working group:
Understand the background of each working group - Understand the background of each of "", "", "", "", and thoroughly.
Ask yourself - Under what category my focus area lies? Try to relate your focus area with already existing focus areas. If you are able to relate it with the existing focus area and background that means its all set.
We have a review period for all new and changed metrics ()
Metrics should follow the template which can be found at file on Github
Writing a well-crafted Git commit message is the best way to communicate context about a change to fellow developers. Seven rules of a great Git commit message are mentioned in .
After you have made the desired changes into your fork version of the repository, you are required to send the pull request with the description explaining your changes. ****
We require all commits to be signed off with a in accordance with the . This can be easily done by using the -s
flag when using git commit
. For example: git commit -s -m "Update README.md"
. This can be automated by using a browser plugin like .
Here is a user script that does most of it:
Create the front-matter using the
Create the License information using the , update the year for the copyright
Use the open source
Working Groups that define metrics need to follow the repository structure outlined here
The goal of this document is to describe a uniform structure that CHAOSS Working Groups are currently using for developing metrics. The outcome of this standardizing Working Group repository structure is less overhead for community members moving between WGs and a consistent expectation for new members.
Below mentioned is the standard naming covention followed by all Working Group repositories -
- describes WG, informs about getting engaged, shows off work, meeting information
- default always MIT in accordance with Charter
- describes the technicalities of engaging with the WG through GitHub; explain the DCO sign-off
- copy of CHAOSS’s Code of Conduct
- for system files like .DS_Store
- information for where to donate to CHAOSS
Other files may exist in the base of WG repositories
- directory for all metrics work
- a table of focus areas and their goals, linking to the next level
- directory for metrics in a focus area
- table of metrics in this focus area with questions the metrics answer; linking to specific metrics
- metric detail page, must conform to the standard template
- images included in a metric; file-ending can be png/jpg/gif/svg
DO NOT use spaces in names
Use hyphens “-” instead of spaces within names
Use underscore to separate different names (e.g., between metric-name and image-name)
Use lower case for all file and folder names, except README, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING, FUNDING which are standard across open source always capitalized
Images are always in a sub-directory “images” under the markdown file that references the image
The WG repos should have only released and under-review metrics
In cases where the metric name is also a descriptor, please use this convention:
"specific thing being measured"-"further description if needed"
EX: pull-requests-open.md
EX: issues-first-response.md
You can find all the answers here
CHAOSS is a Linux Foundation project focused on creating analytics and metrics to help define community health. Read more about CHAOSS
CHAOSS stands for Community Health Analytics Open Source Software.
A metric is a documented way to measure open source community health. CHAOSS community has its own predefined template for proposing any new metric. It is quite possible to bring together different metrics in a system of measurement that is meaningful for a particular context.
In order to understand why Community Health matters then please refer to the "Why Create CHAOSS?" section on the About page
Community health is a specialty that focuses on the well-being of the people in a specific community. This important subsection of community health includes initiatives to help community members maintain and improve their health, helping them to know where they should place their efforts and know that they are making an impact.
We have various ways to get involved in the Community. You can check our Participation page. If you want to contribute directly, we have specified the different ways by which you can engage with the community in design, development, documentation, and outreach.
In order to use CHAOSS software, you can follow the guidelines here
We have the initiative of generating the CHAOSS Community Report for your project. So, if you want to measure, whether your community is healthy or not, you can follow the instructions to generate your community reports
CHAOSS project is a volunteer-driven project where there are folks from different organizations and communities effectively working to build creative solutions under CHAOSS. In order to know more refer "Who are we?" section on the About page
We don't have specific internships instead we participate in various open source mentorship programs like GSoC, Outreachy, etc.
You can assess the health of your community by submitting the details under "Submit Your Community Health Report Request"
All the metrics can be found under the "Metric Definition" on the CHAOSS website
The Diversity and Inclusion Badging program use a peer-review system to encourage projects and events to obtain badges. It aims to increase understanding of the open-source project and event practices that encourage greater diversity and wider inclusion of people from different backgrounds.
The program is affiliated with the CHAOSS project and a proud initiative of CHAOSS. Most of the work of the Badging Program is closely associated with the CHAOSS D&I working group. You can read more about it here
Yes, the CHAOSS has three projects with assigned toolset named Augur, GrimoireLab, and Cregit
Every repository under the CHAOSS GitHub has the "Repo Maintainers" section which contains all the names of the maintainers for the respective repositories.
We encourage transparency, openness, and healthiness so all the questions should be directed to the public community mailing list at chaoss@lists.linuxfoundation.org
Yes, CHAOSS records all the meetings and for that, we follow general guidelines for recording the meetings. Also, all the recorded meetings can be found on CHAOSS Youtube Channel
All the discussions can be found within the CHAOSS mailing list or CHAOSS GitHub
General Style Guide to follow
In order to keep our documentation consistent across various spaces, we ask that you respect the following conventions and best practices when contributing documentation to the CHAOSS community.
Try to keep your writing clear and concise. Your explanations should be comprehensive, but easy to follow. The more precise your writing is, the easier others will find it to follow.
Here are some general guidelines and reminders for tone and style:
Write accessibly in clear, simple sentences intended for a global audience.
Avoid colloquial language, humor, cultural references, and personal opinion. Keep your writing technical.
Write from a second-person point of view. Use "you" and "your", not "my", "our", or "their".
Avoid jargon and acronyms, if you can. Spell out acronyms at least once per page.
Remember to link to glossary terms when first introducing them in a paragraph.
Be consistent. Use the same consistently-formatted word or phrase for a concept throughout the documentation.
Don't qualify or prejudge actions. Don't write that something is "easy" or "quick" as this is a deterrent if the user is not able to complete the action.
Don't reference future development or features that don't yet exist.
Remember to use sentence case for page titles and section headings.
Use numbered lists for actions that happen in sequence.
Use bulleted lists for most other lists.
Source Citation: This page has been taken and inspired by the Atom documentation under the "Writing Style Guide" section https://wiki.accesstomemory.org/wiki/Resources/Documentation/Contribution_guidelines#Writing_style
Welcome! We’re glad you’re interested in contributing to the CHAOSS Community designs. Before contributing, please review the following values:
Be Ambitious - We appreciate to test new boundaries and take advantage of new design solutions. You should prefer to work with a genuine sense of continuously improving and striving to be the best that can be.
Be Minimalist - We make sure that our designs are simple and straight forward which gives a better meaning to the design problem.
Be Inclusive - You should keep the user first in mind. Thinking inclusively is about considering diverse groups of people, how they will interact with your design problem, and their environments.
Be Respectful - We value the designer's efforts. So you should be respectful towards the community or the user you are interacting with in order to have proper feedback on your design solution.
Be Consistent - The consistency helps us to maintain the momentum of the project and the improvements within the community designs.
This includes corporate design (logos and branding), Illustrations, marketing design (posters, banners), advertisements, communication design, and signage.
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, GIMP
UI communicates with UX! It includes designing the User-Interface screens for any web or mobile applications by putting different components like buttons, reads, clicks, animation, etc. User experience is determined by how easy or difficult it is to interact with the user interface elements that the UI designers have created.
Platform: Figma or any other UI/UX designing platform
It's design documentation that includes feedback from users, general researches about design, and any design workflow and process for the specific design problem. It also includes all the information regarding the particular design.
Platform: GitHub
We don't have a particular platform for listing all the design problems but we follow this general process in order to accomplish any design goal:
Come up with the design idea and discuss it on the CHAOSS mailing list
Another way of contributing is to open an issue on the project repository and tell maintainers about your idea.
Discuss your designing strategies and documentation
Design on your canvas tool (Figma, Adobe Photoshop. etc)
Discuss your design submission on the mailing list and on the GitHub issues. Don't forget to mention an appropriate label (design label)
Contains the details about community reports
The CHAOSS Community Report is a free service that the CHAOSS community provides to open source communities.
Create awareness for the CHAOSS project
Showcase the CHAOSS metrics and software
Get more communities interested in CHAOSS metrics and software
Grow the CHAOSS community
The Community Report processes have the following roles:
Requester -- Someone asking for a Community Report
Coordinator -- The CHAOSS contact person coordinating the creation and distribution of Community Reports
Software Operator -- A person who works with CHAOSS software to generate visualizations
Anyone can fill out a form on the CHAOSS.community website. The form submits to a Linux Foundation system and the form is forwarded to essential CHAOSS community members for processing.
When the CHAOSS community receives a request for a report, the following steps will be taken:
Someone makes a request
Salesforce kicks off the ticket to our emails
Vinod, build a new folder for the community request like what I have in the drive now.
Vinod, place the SF ticket in the folder
Sean and Georg, generate the graphs for the requested URL and place them into the appropriate folder. Ping Vinod when you're done
Vinod, assemble the Community Report by placing the graphs into the .ai document. This will require a bit of sizing but I have the approximate sizes marked in the template. Make sure to maintain ratios. This will also require a little cropping of Augur images at the top to remove some icons that come with the graphs.
Vinod, email the report (in PDF form) and the SF ticket to Elizabeth (cc me)
Elizabeth, send the report and SF ticket back to the requestor.
If the requestor said it's okay to post it online, I'll get it into the GH folder
Design of CHAOSS
As the community gathers around the topic of Open Source Community Health, all members participate in the choices about what action to undertake in designing and providing better user experience. It is useful to coordinate those choices and decisions by laying out some guidelines. Designers use such guidelines to judge how to adopt principles such as intuitiveness, learnability, efficiency, and consistency so they can create compelling designs and meet and exceed user needs.
Hence, CHAOSS design is a place where we solve design principle issues and improve the design structure of the community projects
We are trying to:
Improve user experience.
Provide high-quality design solutions.
Bring the community together to contribute to design-related issues.
Bridge the gap between the designers and developers to follow the smooth process for the design solutions.
User Interface Design (UI)
User Experience Design (UX)
Graphic Design and Visual Identity
User Design Research and Documentation
Contributing within the Documentation
Unfortunately, good code won't speak for itself. Even the most elegantly designed and well-written codebase that solves the most pressing problem in the world won't just get adopted on its own. You, the open-source creator, need to speak for your code and breathe life into your creation. That's where technical writing and documentation come in. (Source credit: Kevin Xu's article on from opensource.com)
We encourage documentation contribution from everyone and generally, that contribution is divided into two categories:
General improvements: typo corrections, fixing broken refs or links, correcting inaccurate or out-of-date information, and offering better explanations through clearer writing and additional examples.
New features or new pages: Adding a page of documentation that we haven't yet covered in our ongoing attempt for completeness, or documenting a new feature that has been added to CHAOSS projects since the last release.
We don't have any specific space for documentation. Most of the documentation you will find inside the CHAOSS GitHub repositories and on the website.
Addressing issues related to documentation: Look for the documentation
labeled issues within the CHAOSS Github repositories.
Checking if a page needs to be updated: Surf around the CHAOSS community, look for the pages that need to be updated, and suggest changes through an issue or pull request.
Propose new pages for the documentation: While working on CHAOSS initiatives and software you might come across documentation needs; Open an issue to remember for later and ask for help or create a pull request to add the documentation yourself.
Once you have figured the approach below is the flow you need to follow:
Open the CHAOSS GitHub and find the repository on which you want to contribute. (Assume the governance repository here; using the GitHub.com user interface.)
Click on the file you want to edit. For instance, I have taken the README.md file. Click on the pencil option to edit the page.
Make any edits you need, remembering to always format them using Markdown. To understand Markdown better, check out the GitHub reference or GibtBook reference guides.
When you are done making changes, scroll down, and write a short description of your changes. Select the option Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request and click on Propose file change. This will direct you to the Pull request page.
On the Pull Request page, write the description of your changes and create a pull request by clicking on create pull request button
general process to follow for the design contribution
We follow a 4-query procedure to solve the design issues. Each question is a step toward the completion of the product.
What do we want? We need to initiate the requirement goals that define - what are we trying to achieve? How will it impact the CHAOSS community?
What do we have? We need to take into consideration the information we have - Do we have any set of design guidelines or information for the specific new goal that we are trying to achieve?
How do we get what we want? We need solid ideation in order to achieve any goal - Does the community agree to follow the new goal? Do we have any plans or processes to achieve the new design goal?
What will happen when we do? We need to understand the future impact for any specific design goal - Is the problem solved? Is this what you were looking forward to having? Will it create a better impact on the CHAOSS community?
****💡 Plan - You should be good to commence your design with planning as design inquires into the nature of a problem to conceive a framework for solving that problem. In general, planning is problem-solving, while the design is putting problems into actions.
****🧐 Research - Make generative research together with the CHAOSS community members the requirements and assets that are needed. Check what impedes their productivity.
****✍ Document - Documentation stands out as one of the most important parts of any implementation design goal. After making fair research you should write down all the requirements you need with the available resources.
****🖌 Design - High time! Once all the objectives and requirements are defined, draft your thoughts into the canvas that will help in solving the critical design problem that you are trying to achieve.
****🧪 Test - Testing is the stage in the design process that enables you to evaluate your design problem or service with real users and enables you to create more community-oriented design solutions.
NOTE: Google Season of Docs is also written as GSoD in shot form
The goal of Season of Docs is to provide a framework for technical writers and open source projects to work together towards the common goal of improving an open-source project's documentation.
During the program, technical writers spend a few months working closely with an open source community. They bring their technical writing expertise to the project's documentation, and at the same time learn about the open-source project and new technologies.
The open-source projects work with the technical writers to improve the project's documentation and processes. Together they may choose to build a new documentation set, or redesign the existing docs, or improve and document the open-source community's contribution procedures and onboarding experience.
Official Website -
Source Citation:
Contributing in marketing
The CHAOSS project was officially announced at the Open Source Summit North America 2017 in Los Angeles. Here is a picture of the workshop participants at OSSNA2017 -- the first to help us spread CHAOSS! If you are interested in helping spread CHAOSS now, check out the following ways to get involved with the CHAOSS community.
Spreading the word about what is going on in the CHAOSS community is a vital part of CHAOSS engagement, and below are the following ways with which you can get involved in growing the CHAOSS community
Writing Blogs - Blog posts help with reaching a larger audience and catching their interest. We value the time and efforts of our readers, so keep your blog posts focused and straight forward around your goals which you want to deliver. The CHAOSS website has section where all the blog posts written for the CHAOSS community are published but we don't want to limit you to the CHAOSS website. You can use any platform for writing your blogs.
Social Media - You can help us spread the word by sharing CHAOSS on social media. On Twitter, tag CHAOSS using . Also interesting: and videos on .
Merchandise - If you are good at designing then you can help us in designing and processing the t-shirts, stickers, posters, badges, and similar. You can checkout to understand the design better.
Organize Conferences and Meetups - We generally have CHAOSScon twice per year. So if you are good at organizing events then check out the of the CHAOSScon organizing members and get involved. We always appreciate organizers of local meetups and events.
Understanding the CHAOSS Visual Identity
It is the visible elements of a brand, such as color, design, logo, typography, and the symbol that identify and distinguish the brand in consumers' minds.
It is important to portray the identity of CHAOSS across all platforms in a consistent manner.
It can be used by developers, documentarians, marketers or anyone who want to showcase the identity of the CHAOSS community
CHAOSS logo in color
CHAOSS logo in black
CHAOSS logo in White
Color Used:
Font used in the CHAOSS logo is PORT
NOTE: Google Summer of Code is also written as GSoC in shot form
Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open-source organization on a 3-month programming project during their break from school.
Google awards stipends to students who successfully complete a free and open-source software coding project during the summer. The program is open to university students aged 18 or over. The amount of the stipend depends on the of the country where the student's university is located. Project ideas are listed by host organizations involved in open-source software development, though students can also propose their own project ideas.
Official Website -
Source Citation: , ,
Metrics are continuously released (this includes edits to existing metrics) in English. During that time period, any metric may be edited (they are not static).
The English version of the metrics is officially released in April and October (approximately 6 months apart). The official release is preceded by a 30 day review period. When the metrics release candidates go into the 30 day review period, they are frozen and no edits are made. Following the review period, they may be edited prior to release to address comments from the review. The released metrics are a snapshot in time.
Following the official metrics release, all metrics can be edited for the next release as part of the continuous release process. Changes to the metrics are kept track of in working group release notes issues and the individual metrics release candidate issues.
The working groups need to make sure that the Metric Release Notes
issue in the working groups’ repository is continuously updated with the latest changes in metrics. This will give an overview of all the changes that are occurring during a release cycle.
Working groups need to create an issue for each metric that has been created or edited - labeled as Metrics Candidate Release
. This can signal that a metric needs to be translated.
Working groups or the release team need to create a corresponding issue in the translation repo that links to the individual Metrics Release Candidate issue. This issue is not targeted towards a specific language community but can be used by the individual language communities to coordinate work. The issue should be labeled with all applicable language tags.
The release manager will add the under review
label to the English Metrics Release Candidates on the CHAOSS website. This also signals that a metric needs to be translated.
The first place the translation team should look is in the translation repository issues (all metrics that have been edited should have an issue created by the working group that created or edited a metric). Metrics that need attention should have a language label attached.
Additionally, the translations team could refer to the working groups’ Metric Release Notes
issue. Example: - ) and the Metrics Candidate Release
labels in the working group repositories for guidance on which metrics may need to be translated during a release cycle.
The translations team could also look for the metrics with the label ‘under review’ on the website, which indicates that the metric was added/updated after the previous release.
Note: The metrics are prone to changes during the continuous release process and following the review period.
The release for translated metrics should happen within 2 weeks of the English metrics release. A simultaneous release is ideal.
All metrics undergo a 30-day community review period before the official release. This period should be utilized by the translations team to translate the metrics and share them for review.
The translated metrics should be released only when the translation team signals that the metrics are ready.
The review period for the translated metrics should follow the same timeline as the English review period.
Translation teams should remove the language tag from the translation repository issue when translation work has been completed for that language.
The translation team should inform the release team that they are ready for the release (by email, chat, or in Zoom Meetings)
The versioning of the PDFs should be done in the format - YYYY-MM_language-code
. Example - `2021-09_EN
, 2022-03_CN
The release version for the translations PDF should be the same as the English metrics PDF used as the basis for translations.
It is a CHAOSS conference
CHAOSScon is a community organized event. We do not have dedicated event staff and rely on volunteers.
A combination of methods can be used to ask for volunteers:
CHAOSS general mailing list
CHAOSS events mailing list
Weekly meetings
Reach out directly to individuals
A good organizing committee has volunteers with different skills and interests. The following sections detail what needs to be done to organize CHAOSScon. An organizing committee of about 7-10 volunteers has been effective in executing all tasks.
What venue we use depends on when and where we plan CHAOSScon.
CHAOSScon North America (NA) should be co-located with the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit North America (OSSNA). CHAOSScon can share the same venue. To secure the venue, we need to file a request on the OSSNA website or contact someone from the LF events team.
CHAOSScon Europe should be co-located with FOSDEM in Brussels Belgium. Bitergia has secured a venue in the past.
The organizing committee can determine how many rooms they want to use. A second room can be used for socializing and workshops.
It is easier to end the event earlier than run late.
Consider other events that are happening on the same day.
The Call for Participation (CfP) invites speakers to submit topics for talks, workshops, or tutorials.
Share sponsor prospectus:
Mailing list
Specific people the organizing committee knows
Work with sponsors to fulfill promises to sponsors.
When the CFP closes, we use a spreadsheet for evaluating submissions. Each submission gets a row in a table and each organizing committee member gets a column to insert +1, 0, or -1 to vote on submissions. The sum of votes is the basis for discussion.
During a committee meeting, the spreadsheet with submissions and votes is reviewed. Topics and speakers are selected. Based on the selection, a schedule is assembled.
A person selects the action item to inform speakers and confirm their participation.
Keynotes get more time than regular sessions.
Keynote speakers should have a message that we as a community want to elevate. We either invite keynote speakers or we ask if a CFP submitter would be willing to extend their talk to a keynote.
For CHAOSScon North America, we like to partner with the Linux Foundation to have CHAOSScon be an option for registrations to Open Source Summit North America. The Linux Foundation can also provide a stand-alone registration for CHAOSScon only. The latter is the form we link to from the CHAOSScon website.
For CHAOSScon Europe, we used Eventbrite.
The CFP has a date for releasing the conference schedule. On that date, the schedule contains all speakers that confirmed. Speakers who have not confirmed yet will be added later or left off the schedule.
To advertise the schedule:
Send a message to CHAOSS mailing list, ask everyone to spread the news
Post regular messages on Twitter
Reach out to individuals who expressed interest in CHAOSScon
We typically have coffee, tea, and snacks at CHAOSScon for breaks.
Make sure to have name tags at CHAOSScon.
When co-locating with Linux Foundation events and using their registration system, the LF will provide name tags (i.e., lanyards).
The Master of Ceremony (MC) is responsible for:
welcoming atendees
announcing schedule
work with speakers to make sure they get set up with their laptops
keep everyone on schedule
adjourn the meeting
In the week before CHAOSScon, email all presenters to ask them for their slides. Ideally, all slides are uploaded to the conference page before the event starts. Some presenters prefer to work on slides last minute and provide them on the morning of the event. We need someone at the event who can accept USB sticks and will upload the slides to the website.
On the conference website, links to slides are added in a column of the schedule. The slides are uploaded, ideally as PDFs, to GitHub. The chaoss/website repo is setup to produce a URL that can be linked to.
In preparation for CHAOSScon, work with venue to:
Print the schedule to post it at the venue
Print signs with the hashtag for the event
Print arrow signs, in case we need to direct attendees to the right room
On the day of the event (check with venue what is allowed):
Hang up schedule and hashtag signs
Set up a table to give out name tags
Provide a place for sponsors to put swag
Set up video recording
We like to record presentations and upload them to the CHAOSS YouTube channel. This increases the range for presenters and creates an archive to reference talks.
The University of Nebraska at Omaha has in the past brought a camcorder, processed the videos, and uploaded them.
After the event, thank speakers, share links to videos, ...
To-Do: Move these suggestions that we decide to do into above sections and make them part of our regular planning process.
More communication before event: in-person/virtual formats, use of Slack, schedule updates, coffee/lunch breaks, after conference activities, social media hashtag
Increase promotion of the virtual live stream. Sign-ups for email reminders and additional information like slack channel and schedule.
Make easier to find the Slack channel. Maybe show the slack channel on a screen so everyone can see what's happening there without having to open it on personal device.
Have the schedule printed and posted in the room.
More breaks: Add 2 minutes between sessions in schedule for changing speakers
Shorten virtual talks: Keep virtual talks to 5-7 minutes only. The energy in the room dropped with each virtual talk. It's a great way to include more speakers who can't travel, but it's hard to do.
More interactive sessions: Have more interactive, workshop-style, sessions for getting into the weeds on CHAOSS work. Maybe do 1/2 day talks and 1/2 day hands-on sessions.
Roles - Have a dedicated social media person who shares pictures and tidbits throughout the conference and engages with others who are posting about the conference.
Roles - Slack manager: Similarly, have someone dedicated to watching the Slack channel, compiling questions for the QA session, and seeding conversations there.
Congratulations! you made the pull request and it will be reviewed by the repository admins
We generally prefer to communicate through the but sometimes there are off-list mailing threads for initiatives. You can also reach out to any core member to ask questions.
The YAML file used as the primary input for MARS can be used to signal that the translations are ready. The translations team can update the YAML file with new metrics signaling that metrics are ready to be released. As an example:
We can re-use the same CFP from the last CHAOSScon. CFP’s are stored on GitHub in the and can be retrieved by looking at older versions of files.
The form for speakers to submit talks is a Google form. E.g.
We have a that needs to be updated.
The schedule is added to the website by updating the corresponding markdown page .
You can connect to us with the following methods:
Join us in the Slack channel
Discuss on the CHAOSS D&I mailing list
Or open an issue under the badging/diversity-and-inclusion repository.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us by any of the means listed above when your thoughts about this project come up. Your suggestions are tremendously valuable to us.
Thank you so much for your interest in D&I badging program and wishing to make contributions. All kinds of contributions are appreciated.
This guide provides several angles for you to get started. We hope one of them will work for you!
If you want to be part of the review team, please see “Apply to review”.
Sign up as a reviewer and you can get in touch with different events and projects, measure how Diversity and Inclusion they are. When doing the reviewing job, please make sure you have read the reviewer’s guidance and understand our D&I badging conflict of policy.
For now, most of the workflows happen under the Event D&I badging repository. If you think there is unreasonableness about the process, or you have suggestions to improve the workflow, don't hesitate to open an issue to discuss your suggestion. For bug fixing and word spelling correction, we warmly welcome you to open a Pull Request.
The Submission Form and Review Checklist are two core components that compose the application and review process, the content is mostly based on CHAOSS D&I metrics.
To make improvements to our documentation on GitHub, you can:
Open an issue on GitHub
Open a pull request on GitHub
We suggest adding text with the pull request explaining why the change should be made.
To optimize this documentation, there is a synchronized community handbook documentation repository on GitHub. Please open a pull request there to make revisions. Documentation revisions are also precious contributions for us.
This page contains information on how to become a reviewer of the D&I badging program. To review submissions for D&I badging, you need to sign up as a reviewer first. The best way to start is with our sign-up form!
Please go to the Reviewer Application Form to sign up.
We no longer support Pull Requests as reviewer applications. We invite you now to sign up using the Reviewer Form.
The reviewer form requests the following personal information:
Your Name: Supply your full name. D&I Badging will not share the name with applicants or spread it unless you are willing to post your name on the website.
Your GitHub Handle: This will be later added to the reviewer list in reviewer.md file under the badge/event-diversity-and-inclusion repository once you become a member of the reviewer team.
Your Email Address: D&I Badging uses your email address to contact and communicate with you, and will not share or publish it on the website.
Your Organization(optional): You can choose not to share this information with us. D&I Badging asks for the organization to know the further background about you, and will not share or publish it on the website.
Below are the most important questions:
Who you are and why you're interested in the CHAOSS D&I Badging Program.
Your history with Diversity & Inclusion in Open Source.
We will also ask:
We want to know if you would like to include your name on our website as a CHAOSS D&I Badging Reviewer. If you agree with that, your name will show on the bottom of D&I Badging Page.
We also require you as a reviewer to identify and act upon any conflicts of interest. Please see the D&I Badging Conflict of Interest Policy for more information.
The D&I Badging team will be notified once you submit the form. They will contact you through email to set up a meeting to explain the reviewing process.
After the meeting, your GitHub handle will be added to the list of current reviewers. There is a badging bot that assigns reviewing tasks - don't forget to open email notifications for D&I badging repository to avoid missing an assignment!
Thank you so much for showing interest in D&I Badging Project and the review system. We are delighted to have you here! This page tells you a bit about the participation as a reviewer and helps with some detailed principles you would need to know while reviewing.
A CHAOSS D&I Badging application starts when an event organizer opens an issue on the event badging repository. The organizer fills out the form and a GitHub issue is created that contains the content of the application. Upon being assigned an issue, a reviewer will be provided with a review checklist in the form of an issue comment.
You need a GitHub account to review for the D&I Badging program.
Once you become a reviewer of D&I Badging (see apply to review on how to be a reviewer), your GitHub handle will be added to the review list and you will be assigned to new issues.
You can read CHAOSS D&I metrics, especially metrics under the Event Diversity focus area to get a further grasp before reviewing.
Please make sure you don't miss an assignment notification. If a reviewer provides no response to the issue for more than one month, D&I Badging moderator team will reassign a new reviewer for that issue.
The Reviewer's task is to analyze the information given by an event organizer using the Review Checklist. The reviewer provides their observations according to the Review Checklist and feedback on how an application can be improved if certain checks are not met. You may find more guidance for this process in the review process section.
The reviewer's judgments are based on three main criteria:
A link to the event website is required from applicants. Reviewers should observe the Event website to verify everything is aligned with the submission answer. This will be the most valuable resource.
Each question in the application should be answered. The applicant should provide a sufficient description for the reviewer to understand how the metrics are fulfilled associated with the event.
Each link provided should be relevant and confirm the values of the description within a metric.
Special thanks to JOSS(Journal of Open Source Software) for the D&I Badge peer-review process. Their work has inspired our project's structure.
The D&I badging application is submitted through a web form to provide information and measurements on how an event achieves diversity and inclusion practices. All initial judgments from reviewers are made according to the form, so please do your best with it, make sure to fill out all the fields.
💡 This page will help you fill out the form and provide perspectives on improving your event referring to the submission form.
Event Name: Use the most commonly mentioned and well-known name of the event.
Link to the Event Website: The link should be valid, publicly available on a website, and it should show the event information. We recommend providing the home-page link.
Provide verification that you are an event organizer: Only the organizer is eligible to apply the badge on behalf of event participants. Please provide substantial proof showing you are the organizer of the event you are applying for. A link with your name displayed as an organizer on the event website is ideal.
Event status-related requirements
The event must be about Open Source technologies and practices.
You should be an organizer of the Event you are applying for.
Metric related requirements
The information about the event must be publicly available on a website.
Metrics information must be available for potential attendees and speakers.
The event must host a Code of Conduct on the website.
This section requires you to provide Diversity & Inclusion metrics related information of your event.
The In-Person Event D&I metrics are:
Speaker Demographics
Attendee Demographics
Code of Conduct at Event
Diversity Access Tickets
Family Friendliness
If your event commits to one of the following metrics, please tick the checkbox, then fill the subsequent boxes under each question. We also provide criteria under each metric in the form for you as references of what the reviewer will be considering when reviewing the submission.
If your event meets some of the criteria, please provide related details and proofs. If not, those are the perspectives where your event can improve. 😉
How well does the speaker lineup for the event represent a diverse set of demographics? **
Measuring Demographics: Does your event measure speaker demographics?
Displaying demographics: Does the speaker demographics publicly displayed on your event website?
How diverse and inclusive are the attendees?
Measuring Demographics: Does your event measure attendee demographics?
Displaying demographics: Does the attendee demographics publicly displayed on your event website?
Attendee Inclusivity: You can request feedback from attendees about how they feel about the inclusiveness of this event, then take measures to encourage more attendees which are from different backgrounds.
It's essential that you provide the link of CoC(Code of Conduct) because this is an initial requirement for D&I badge application. Without the link, reviewers may determine your event as not-passing.
How does the Code of Conduct for events support diversity and inclusion?
Findability: The Code of Conduct should least be discoverable on the website, and better to post at the event venue where speakers and attendees will have an easy time to find.
Enforcement: You can require participants to accept the Code of Conduct before completing registration.
In the Code of Conduct:
Clarity: Does the Event Code of Conduct provide a definition of expected behaviour?
Reporting venue: Does it have a clear avenue for reporting violations at the event?
Support at Event: Does it describe information about possible ways to provide support to victims of inappropriate behavior, eventually links to external bodies?
How are Diversity Access Tickets used to support diversity and inclusion for an event?
Availability: How many types of diversity access tickets are available?
Ticket allocation: How are those diversity access tickets allocated?
Findability: Does the information about diversity access tickets posted on your event website or some other public venues?
How does enabling families to attend together support diversity and inclusion of the event?
Availability: Services or facilities can be provided for participants who bring families to the event, especially to those who have children to take care of. For examples, you can:
Provide a mother’s room,
Offer child care during the event,
Have special sessions for children.
It's also wonderful if your event has other ideas that are suitable and effective to promote family friendliness of the event.
Findability: Is the information about the family-friendly services easily found on your website?
Applicants would be the primary stakeholders for any CHAOSS Badging review. They will be responsible for:
Applying for a CHAOSS D&I Badge.
Improving their application according to reviewer feedback.
Provide a point of contact between their own community and CHAOSS.
Repository permission level: Read
Applicants will be able to:
Submit an application for a Badging review.
Edit details and make improvements in their application.
Applicants will explicitly not be able to:
Edit the Review Checklist.
What kind of commitment is the application process for an Event Badge?
The initial form will likely take about 15 minutes to fill out. After submitting your application, you are required to communicate, at least a few times, to ensure that the information is accurate and confusion is resolved. You must also confirm that the badge your event receives is clear.
We are looking forward to answering more questions!
The reviewer role would belong to people who would be responsible for reviewing the details submitted by an applicant. Reviewers will have access to the review checklist. The review checklist is a reviewing guide, which is a list written in Markdown, detailing the criteria a submission has to be measured against.
Repository permission level: Write
Reviewers will be able to:
Edit their own comments.
Edit the Review Checklist.
Reviewers will explicitly not be able to:
Edit an applicant's comment.
What kind of commitment is reviewing for Event Badging?
We see a lot of variables affecting this time commitment, including our number of reviewers and the number of applicants. We expect, at the highest load, for the project to require about 20 minutes every few days from each reviewer. At lowest, we'd expect 20 minutes or so every few weeks.
We are looking forward to answering more questions!
Contains the roles and responsibilities for mentorship program
Become familiar with CHAOSS Community and the project(s) for which you're applying. Read the get involved guide and ask others in the community if you have questions. If you ask questions the smart way, you'll get better responses.
Observe Community Interactions: Join both the development and user mailing lists and spend a few days just reading the conversations.
Introduce Yourself on the communication channels.
Familiarize yourself with the community's Code of Conduct.
Attend weekly CHAOSS meetings and jump into discussions (connection details).
Install your development environment in your local machine and gets familiarize with the codebase.
Read the project ideas page and discuss with mentors on the specific idea you are interested with.
Get Knowledge about GSOC/GSoD by understanding it and reading about it on Wikipedia and getting through GSOC/GSoD Student Manual.
Set up your project tracker that will help mentors and other community members to track your progress. This can be a blog post, repository, or GitHub board.
Discuss your strategy and plan for your selected project with your mentors and community members.
Prepare a detailed project plan with your mentors. Set up milestones for your project.
Attend weekly meetings and update your mentors about your project.
Get your code merged into the main repository under the CHAOSS GitHub organization. Make sure the test cases pass!
Write a final blog post summarizing your work in the 3 months program.
Engage with the community and maintain your project under the CHAOSS for the long term.
Spread the words with the others about your project.
Present your project at events, conferences, and meet-ups.
Mentors are people from the community who volunteer to work with a student. Mentors are basically responsible to help the students in every possible capacity. Mentoring generally takes 5-6 hours per week of dedication towards the project and student.
Read the "Mentor Responsibilities" within the GSoC and GSoD guide.
Review student proposals and work with other mentors and organization admins to select the best candidates for CHAOSS
Devote at least 5-6 hours per week towards the project and mentee.
Have good knowledge of the project you are mentoring.
Attend meetings with your mentee and seek updates from them about their progress.
We are planning to provide D&I badges for technical events and open-source projects. While currently, we only support D&I badge applications for events. Project applications will be covered in later versions.
Events refer to tech get-togethers, conferences, festivals, and any other tech event that promote tech-related concepts, mostly off-line meetups, but digital events are also included given in certain circumstances.
You can either apply D&I badge for an In-Person Event or a Virtual Event.
In-Person Events refer to events happening in a physical meeting space where speakers and attendees always show up in person.
Virtual Events are online events where speakers and attendees interact via computers and meeting platforms.
If you are one of the organizers of an event that is focused on open source technologies and systems, we encourage you to apply. We expect that it will take an hour or two to prepare all the required information and complete the application. First, please check whether your event meets all the following submission requirements, then follow the submission instructions.
Please read the following documents first before applying:
Click the Button Below to Apply for Event Badge
By clicking the button you will be navigated to the CHAOSS Event Badging submission form.
The Submission Workflow
Please fill out the web form to apply for a badge. Provide as much information as you want, and click "Submit".
You will be redirected to GitHub with a pre-populated issue. This issue will be generated under theevent-diversity-and-inclusion
badging repository with the information you provided on the web form. You must use your GitHub account to finalize the issue on their Website by clicking "Create New Issue", or your submission will be invalid.
Once the Issue is successfully created, at least two reviewers will then be assigned to review your issue. They will assess the event's D&I Practices using a review checklist.
Communicate with Reviewers and Moderators
Please pay attention to the issue you submitted before you acquire the final badge. Reviewers may leave suggestions in the issue to request more information. Applicants must maintain communication with reviewers during the review period.
At any time during the review process, the current Badge status can be checked by using the command/result
in an issue comment. See an example.
The commands work only if no other content accompanies them on the issue comment.
Once you are satisfied with the result, you will have one final task. Connect with the @badging/badging-moderators
to finish the review or at any point where you wish to end the review.
Acquire the Badge
The review is finalized when a moderator confirms that the application and checklists align with everything. They will close the issue with the moderator-only /end
command. Two badge links will be generated as an issue comment at the same time the issue closes.
Here is an example of a newly granted badge:
Embed the Markdown Badge Link if you wish to display the badge on any markdown File.
Embed the HTML Badge Link on an HTML page if you wish to display the badge on your event website.
This sections provides the guidelines regarding the process of translating metrics into other various languages.
New metrics that need to be translated may be identified through translation repository issues, working group repository issues, and on the CHAOSS website release page.
Before adding translations in a new language, it is strongly recommended to have an active community of native speakers of that language.
To begin with translations into a new language, create a new directory in the translations repository. Name the directory as the language in which the metrics are to be translated.
Create subdirectories for each working group within the language directory. Note that the name of the sub-directories must match with the repository names of the working groups. (e.g., wg-common, wg-value, etc.)
The structure of the subdirectory for each working group must be the same as specified for the working group repositories on this page. Note:- The base files can be ignored except for the README.
Follow the templates of other files analogous to as specified in the governance repository
The metrics themselves also follow a standard template. Further, it is recommended to create a translated version of this template to ensure headings are consistent across all translated metrics.
All directories and files must be named in English only.
When the directory structure for translations in a new language is ready, the translated metrics can now be added to their respective working group and the focus area.
The above steps should be completed by the translating community before starting with the translation of the metrics.
Many of the above requirements are necessary for the M.A.R.S. release automation process.
Note: Optionally, an English - translated language comparison table or glossary can be created to ensure consistent naming of keywords in the translated language.
The working groups keep revising the focus areas and the metrics regularly. Therefore, it is necessary for the translations to be updated as per the current version of the release. The following steps help ensure this:
The translations should be updated whenever a change takes place in the original metrics including when:
A metric is added, updated, renamed, or removed
A focus area is added, updated, renamed, or removed
New metrics that need to be translated may be identified through translation repository issues, working group repository issues, and on the CHAOSS website release page.
An issue should be created for each metric that needs translation attention (this may be created by the working group) The issue should be labeled with the languages it affects.
The translation community should then investigate the issue and try to accommodate the changes in the translated metrics.
Optionally, the translation team may compare different versions of the metric. The relevant commit hashes can be used to easily identify the changes via the `git diff` command. Git history may be used to see changes to the metric markdown file and identify the relevant commit hashes.
The issue label for a specific language after it has been applied to metrics/focus areas in that particular language.
The issue may be closed when the change is implemented in all languages in which the metrics are maintained.
It is preferable for the translated metrics to get released biannually similar to their English counterparts in the form of a PDF report.
All metrics undergo a 1-month community review period before the official release. This period should be utilized by the translations team to translate the metrics and share them for review.
The translations team should update the YAML file in the MARS project when the metrics are ready for release. This serves as the signal to the Release Engineer to generate the release PDF.
The translations release should ideally happen within two weeks of English metrics release, however, the target for some translation teams may be a simultaneous release.
The version of the report should be the same as the version of the English report it is based on.
The version number for the report should be in the format: YYYY-MM_language-code
When the translation team signals to the metrics release team that translated metrics for a specific language are aligned with the English release, the release manager will use the MARS tool to create the release PDF for that language. The release PDF will be available on the CHAOSS website and an official announcement will be made on CHAOSS communication platforms
The translation team for each language should update and maintain a contributors list that can be added to the Release document
The translation teams and release team should ensure that the processes outlined below are executed in a timely manner.
1 month before the release.
Translate new metrics and update existing ones (identified during the continuous release process) with the most recent changes
The release team will announce on the mailing list that the review period is open
Request reviews on Twitter, newsletter, or any other social media platform
Translate or Draft any other required documents such as cover page and release notes.
1 week before the release
The release team will announce that the review period is closed.
Prepare the English PDF release
Buffer period (as long as is needed - translation team for each language will signal when ready)
Prepare the Translated PDF release
Day of release
Announce on all social platforms about the release
Celebrate! 🎉
The English version of the metrics is original and must be used as the only source during the translation process.
Presently, the templates are maintained only in English. These templates can be translated into different languages as and when required to ensure consistency among the translations.
Follow the general conventions related to naming and structure as specified here
Outreachy is a paid, remote internship program. Outreachy's goal is to support people from groups underrepresented in tech. They help newcomers to free software and open-source make their first contributions.
Outreachy provides internships to work open source. People apply from all around the world. Interns work remotely and are not required to move. Interns are paid a stipend of $5,500 USD for the three-month internship. Interns have a $500 USD travel stipend to attend conferences or events.
Interns work with experienced mentors from open source communities. Outreachy internship projects may include programming, user experience, documentation, illustration, graphical design, or data science. Interns often find employment after their internship with Outreachy sponsors or in jobs that use the skills they learned during their internship.
Outreachy expressly invites applicants who are women (both cis and trans), trans men, non-binary people, and genderqueer people to apply.
They also expressly invite applications who are residents and nationals of the United States of America of any gender who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin, Native American/American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.
NOTE: These eligibility rules are exactly the same and have been taken from the Outreachy official website
These eligibility rules apply to December 2020 to March 2021 Outreachy internships round. Dates may change for future rounds.
Outreachy is open to applicants around the world. You will need to meet the following requirements:
You are or will be 18 years of age or older by Dec. 1, 2020
You are available for a full-time, 40 hours a week internship from Dec. 1, 2020, to March 2, 2021.
You were not an intern with Outreachy, the Outreach Program for Women, or Google Summer of Code. People who were a Google Summer of Code intern are not eligible for Outreachy. All Google Summer of Code interns are ineligible for Outreachy, including people who did not successfully finish their GSoC internship. If you apply to Outreachy and you are not accepted as an intern, you may apply again.
Applicants who have part-time or contracting jobs are welcome to apply. People who are willing to quit their full-time job are welcome to apply. If you cannot quit your full-time job, you are not eligible for Outreachy. People who are taking a leave of absence from a full-time job are not eligible for Outreachy.
Outreachy is open to both university students and people who are not university students. University students must have 42 consecutive days free from school and exams during the internship period. Students must apply to the correct internship round (see rules below).
Outreachy internships run twice a year, May to August and December to March. We have some rules around which internship round you can apply to:
If you are not a university student, you may apply to either internship round.
If you are a student of a university in the Northern Hemisphere, you will only be eligible for the May to August round. Students in India are considered to be in the northern hemisphere, regardless of where their university is located.
If you are a student of a university in the Southern Hemisphere, you will only be eligible for the December to March round.
Otherwise, if your university is near the equator, you may apply to any round. We will review university term schedules on a case-by-case basis.
If you are completing your last term for your degree, you may be eligible for either round, regardless of what hemisphere you are in.
Outreachy internships run twice a year. Here is our general schedule for each year:
Round Dates
Mid-Year Internships
End-Year Internships
Initial application opens
late January
late Agust
Initial applications due
end of February
end of September
Contribution period opens
Final application and contributions due
Interns announced
Internships start
Internships end
Interns are expected to work 40 hours a week for at least 12 weeks of the 13-week internship.
Getting familiar with the community by introducing yourself on the mailing list and observing the community interactions.
Make prior contributions towards the CHAOSS community.
Setup the development environment on your local and understand the project outcome and expectations fairly on which you want to work .
Set up milestones for your project and discuss with the CHAOSS mentors and community members
Attend weekly CHAOSS meetings and jump into discussions.
Honest, committed, and responsive while preparing for the Outreachy application or working with the CHAOSS community.
Outreachy mentors should be able to provide a project for the intern to work on.
Review student proposals and work with other mentors and organization admins to select the best candidates for CHAOSS.
Required to commit 5 hours per week towards the intern - including answering questions, reviewing contributions, and meeting with interns.
A real-time meeting at least once a week - either through real-time chat, video conference, or phone.
Detailed and timely review of contributions - if a mentor is unable to provide contribution review, they are responsible for finding community members who can.
Guidance to interns about time management.
Holds fair knowledge of the project you are mentoring.
Source Citation: Outreachy Internship Guide, Outreachy Applicant Guide, and Outreachy Official Website
D&I Badging program aims to increase understanding of the open-source project and event practices that encourage greater diversity and wider inclusion of people from different backgrounds. It uses an open peer-review system to encourage projects and events to obtain badges and improve their processes and documentation to be more inclusive using the feedback they gain from the reviewers.
The program is affiliated with the CHAOSS project and a proud initiative of CHAOSS. The work of the Badging Program is closely associated with the CHAOSS D&I working group.
CHAOSS is a Linux Foundation project. For more information about CHAOSS, please visit the website at chaoss.community
The goal of the Diversity & Inclusion Badging Program is to encourage projects and events to obtain D&I badges for reasons of leadership, self-reflection, and self-improvement on issues critical to building the Internet as a social good.
Events applying for a CHAOSS badge should fill in the submission form to open an issue under the corresponding GitHub repository, waiting for reviewers to give feedback.
Reviewers will be randomly assigned according to the reviewer list. All assigned reviewers should work with the review checklist.
The Diversity and Inclusion measurements that occur during the applying and reviewing process are according to D&I metrics defined by CHAOSS.
The workflow will be elaborated in the "Applying for a badge" and the "Reviewing for CHAOSS" sections, you can also have a quick view below.
The Event Badging section of CHAOSS Badging is about measuring the inclusivity of different technical events through human reviews.
In order to submit an application for a project, review the following documents:
Applicant role - This document describes the GitHub permissions and the responsibilities of a CHAOSS Badging Applicant.
Event submission requirements - Describes the minimum requirements for an Event to be eligible for participation in the CHAOSS Badging process.
Event submission guidelines - Guidelines and steps on how an Event can acquire a badge under the CHAOSS Badging program.
CHAOSS Badges are assigned according to how the Reviewers mark out the review checklist according to the information initially filled in by the Applicant.
The badge percentages are calculated from the average of checklists of at least two reviewers. This percentage excludes the initial checks.
Percentage of Requirements Met
Less than 40%
Greater than or equal to 40% and less than 60%
Greater than or equal to 60% and less than 80%
Greater than 80%
The metrics used in the Badging submission process are defined by CHAOSS D&I Working Group. Metrics used for event badge come from the Event Diversity focusing area.
These are the five metrics that belong to Event Diversity:
How well does the speaker lineup for the event represent a diverse set of demographics?
How diverse are the attendees?
How are Diversity Access Tickets used to support diversity and inclusion for an event?
How does the Code of Conduct for events support diversity and inclusion?
How does enabling families to attend together support diversity and inclusion of the event?
Project badging is planned for the second release. We are looking forward to it!
Reviewers are an essential component of CHAOSS Badging. Their feedback and interaction with an applicant determine the success of the Badging Program.
In order to get familiar with what is expected of reviewers, review the following documents:
Reviewer Role - This document describes the GitHub permissions and the responsibilities of a CHAOSS Badging Reviewer.
Reviewer Guide - the Guide is small as of now, but it provides some additional guidelines
We are currently recruiting reviewers for event submissions!
To become a reviewer, please fill out the Reviewer Application Google Form and tell us a little bit about yourself! Please send an email to Matt at msnell@unomaha.edu When you are finished.
The CHAOSS Badging Project is now in the first release. We are continuously recruiting reviewers and applicants.
Core Contributors
We make one distinction between virtual events and in-person events. The Virtual Event does not support the metric because this is not currently a concern for virtual events.
💡 This page will help you with how to fill out the form, and provide perspectives on improving your event referring to the submission form.
Event Name: Use the most commonly mentioned and well-known name of the event.
Link to the Event Website: The link should be valid, publicly available on a website, and it should show the event information. We recommend providing the home-page link.
Provide verification that you are an event organizer: Only the organizer is eligible to apply the badge on behalf of event participants. Please provide substantial proof to show you are the organizer of the event you are applying for. A link with your name displayed as an organizer on the event website is ideal.
Event status-related requirements
The event must be about Open Source technologies and practices.
You should be an organizer of the Event you are applying for.
Metric related requirements
The information about the event must be publicly available on a website.
Metrics information must be available for potential attendees and speakers.
The event must host a Code of Conduct on the website.
The Virtual Event D&I metrics are:
Speaker Demographics
Attendee Demographics
Code of Conduct at Event
Diversity Access Tickets
If your event commits to one of the following metrics, please tick the checkbox, then fill the subsequent boxes under each question. We also provide criteria under each metric in the form for you as references of what the reviewer will be considering when reviewing the submission.
Measuring Demographics: Does your event measure speaker demographics?
Displaying demographics: Does the speaker demographics publicly displayed on your event website?
How diverse and inclusive are the attendees?
Measuring Demographics: Does your event measure attendee demographics?
Displaying demographics: Does the attendee demographics publicly displayed on your event website?
Attendee Inclusivity: You can request feedback from attendees about how they feel about the inclusiveness of this event, then take measures to encourage more attendees which are from different backgrounds.
It's essential that you provide the link of CoC(Code of Conduct) because this is an initial requirement for D&I badge application. Without the link, reviewers may determine your event as not-passing.
How does the Code of Conduct for events support diversity and inclusion?
Findability: The Code of Conduct should be discoverable on the website.
Enforcement: You can require participants to accept the Code of Conduct before completing registration.
In the Code of Conduct:
Clarity: Does the Event Code of Conduct provide a definition of expected behaviour?
Reporting venue: Does it have a clear avenue for reporting violations at the event?
Support at Event: Does it describe information about possible ways to provide support to victims of inappropriate behavior, eventually links to external bodies?
How are Diversity Access Tickets used to support diversity and inclusion for an event?
Availability: How many different types of diversity access tickets are available?
Ticket allocation: How are diversity access tickets allocated?
Findability: Does the information about diversity access tickets posted on your event website?
A conflict of interest in peer review arises when a situation where you, the reviewer, are unable to make a fair judgment. The CHAOSS D&I Badging Project aims to promote a transparent and impartial environment to evaluate Diversity and Inclusion, as well as consciously avoiding situations where conflicts of interest may appear.
As a reviewer, Conflicts of Interest for event submission reviews are your present or previous associations with any event organizers and the event committee of a submission. The following situations are considered conflicts and should be avoided:
Organizing for the submitted event.
Having a personal relationship (e.g.family, close friend) with the event organizer(s).
Receiving personal benefit resulting from the review.
Recent association (past year) with the same organization of an applicant, for example, being employed at the same institution.
If you have a conflict of interest with a submission, you should disclose the specific reason to the moderator team. After the discussion within the moderator team, you may not be eligible to review the submission. Declaring actual, perceived, and potential conflicts of interest are required under professional ethics. If in doubt, ask the moderators.
The D&I Conflict of Interest Policy is derived from and takes references from
Different roles undertake different responsibilities in D&I Badging workflow. The Badging roles are applicants, reviewers, moderators, and maintainers. These roles exist to ensure submissions and reviews are smooth and efficient. This is especially true for the GitHub section of the workflow.
Applicants and reviewers are the most fundamental and indispensable roles of D&I Badging since they are a part of the core sections of the badging workflow: applying and reviewing. Besides this, we also need moderators to coordinate between applicants and reviewers, and maintainers who are responsible for the whole project.
Click the following tab bar to see the definition of each role.
An applicant is a person who initiates a badge submission and opens an issue on GitHub.
A reviewer is a person who reviews the submission, complete the checklist, and gives feedback through issue comments.
A moderator is a person who facilitates the interaction between the applicant and the reviewer within an issue.
A maintainer is a person who takes overall responsibilities within D&I badging project, making sure everything works regularly.
As most of the responsibilities are related to the workflow on GitHub, it's important to understand that each role has its GitHub permission that specified what can do and what should be avoided. See the permission table below.
In each subsection, we will elaborate on responsibilities and GitHub permissions of different kinds of roles, and provide information about the frequently asked questions.
This page contains information about going through the review process, especially about how a reviewer could work with the Review Checklist and collect the information required for the Review Checklist criteria.
The review checklist provides a guideline for the reviewers to verify the event's alignment with CHAOSS Diversity and Inclusion best practices.
Apart from providing viewpoints while reviewing, the checklist also plays the function of generating the badge state by calculating how many checkboxes are marked. This calculation includes the metric checkboxes from all reviews on the application.
The event review checklist for the CHAOSS Badging Project can be found .
D&I Badging reviews are checklist-driven. A review checklist will be generated for each reviewer to work through when reviewing the submission. Reviewer tick the checkboxes which they think the event aligns with the criteria.
The review process completes when the applicant is satisfied with the current badge status or the applicant will no longer provide information. Reviewers are encouraged to ask applicants for more information through issue comments.
Below is an explanation of each initial check:
The Event is about Open Source technologies and systems. This is not always easy to understand without talking to the event team. In most cases, this can be explained by the event website in combination with the applicant's description. Ask the applicant if you need more information.
The Event information is publicly available on a website. Observe the event website to understand whether the event information is public.
The Event Code of Conduct is publicly available. Try to find the Event Code of Conduct on the event's website or other public places.
The applicant is the organizer of the event. The applicant must be involved in planning and developing the event.
Ensure all the initial checks are marked before proceeding with Metric based checks. If the event does not qualify from the initial checks, thank the applicant for their time and connect with the moderator team to end the review.
Use the website provided in the application to everyone's advantage! Most of the data you collect to make your decisions should come from the event website.
Measuring demographics: Ensure that the website clearly states the process by which they measure and use their demographic data of speakers.
Displaying demographics: This information could be in a PR statement, press release, or otherwise, but it must be easy to access.
Measuring Demographics: Ensure that the website clearly states the process by which they measure and use their demographic data of attendees.
Displaying demographics: This information could be in a PR statement, press release, or otherwise, but it must be easy to access.
Attendee Inclusivity: Ensure the event possesses explicit measures to promote attendee inclusivity. An event should at least requests feedback from attendees. Ask the applicant if you need more information.
Findability: Observe the event website to see whether the CoC is easy to find.
Clarity: Read the CoC, make sure the CoC provides a clear definition of proper conduct at the event and behaviors that should not be tolerated.
Reporting venue: Ensure that the event has a venue for all event participants to report violations of CoC. The information about the reporting venue should be public on the event website or other places.
Support at Event: Read the CoC and ensure it contains information on possible methods to provide support to victims of inappropriate behavior.
Enforcement: Ensure the event has a definite process to display the CoC and a clear request for them to accept it.
Availability: Ensure that the event provides one or more Diversity Access Tickets.
Ticket allocation: Allocating different kinds of tickets may always be a process that operates internally, try to find out the process based on the description provided by the applicant and ask for more information if required.
Findability: The information on diversity access tickets is not necessarily posted on the event website, it can also be on a ticketing system or other places, but this should be at least public and findable.
The Review Checklist for Virtual Event won't have this metric.
Availability: Ensure that the event provides one or more services/facilities for families.
Findability: Observe the event website to see whether information regarding family friendly services provided at the event is easy to find.
This section requires you to provide related information of your event.
If your event meets some of the criteria, please provide related details and proves. If not, those are the perspectives where your event can improve.
How well does the speaker lineup for the event represent a diverse set of ?
Repository Permission
Create a CHAOSS Badging application
Edit the Review Checklist
Request reviews
Edit the opening Issue comment
Generate the Badge
Close the Issue
The responsibility of a maintainer would be to ensure that the whole project is under control, and completing the processing of a Badging application. A maintainer will also maintain the reviewer team and responsible for the training of new reviewers.
Repository permission level: Maintain / Administrate
A maintainer will be expected to:
Assign reviewers and add their GitHub handles to .github/reviewers.md
Maintainers won't be expected to:
Edit the Application, Review Checklist, and comments directly.
What kind of commitment is required to maintain for Event Badging?
Maintaining the project requires sufficient command of the Badging workflow and long-term connection to the community. We expect, at the highest load, for the project to require about 20 minutes every couple of days for each maintainer.
What are the sources of maintainers for CHAOSS D&I Badging Project?
Maintainers are long-standing members of the CHAOSS community that become core-contributors to the D&I Badging Project. To become a maintainer, a contributor needs to show constant activity related to the project.
We are looking forward to answering more questions!
This will be a role that will belong to participants who would help in closing a Badging Application and declaring the final badge for an application.
Repository permission level: Administrate / Write
A moderator will be expected to:
Ensure all the Initial Checks
are marked positive in both checklists.
Confirm the Review Checklists are adequately marked by the reviewers.
When the review ends, comment /end
to mark the application as closed. This will generate the badges which the Applicant can use.
Moderators are responsible for ensuring that reviewers and applicants understand the Badging workflow. This is done through issue comments, pull request comments, and other Badging discussions. The Moderators in the Badging organization are required to have a strong understanding of D&I practices within an open-source organization.
Generate a badge when the reviewers have filled out the checklist and the applicants have implemented all feedback.
Provide advice and understanding where applicants and reviewers are having trouble.
What kind of commitment is moderating for Event Badging?
We see a lot of variables affecting this time commitment, including our number of moderators and the number of applicants. We expect, at the highest load, for the project to require about 20 minutes every couple of days for each moderator. As we get more moderators into the project, that commitment will shrink.
What happens if a reviewer is not responding or providing a review?
In this case, we use a week in real-time as our metric. If the reviewer has been assigned for a week and has not provided their review or responded to requests, you can unassign them. At this point, you must also assign a new reviewer. You can use your judgement to request a reviewer that you haven't seen on any events recently, or someone that you know will be reliable.
We are looking forward to answering more questions!
We integrate a GitHub app, the @badging-bot,
to help us coordinate the workflow. The main function of the badging-bot is improving the efficiency of the reviewing process with some automated integration.
Some more functions of the badging-bot include:
Guiding applicants/reviewers
Assigning reviewers for a submission
Opening checklists for reviewers according to the type of event
Checking current badge status
Generating the final badge link
Closing an application issue when an application is finalized
Here is a mock submission illustrating the review process:
This is what happened where the@badging-bot
is triggered:
A new submission is created. Once the issue of a new submission is successfully initiated, @badging-bot
will do three things:
greet the applicant and provide guiding information (see example)
assign reviewers according to reviewers.md
open a checklist for each assigned reviewer (see example)
A command is typed in a review issue comment. When someone creates an issue comment with a command, the bot will be triggered and respond in a new comment.
You can also interact with @badging-bot
using a few commands.
Type this command and only this command in an issue anytime during the review when you wish to check the current badge status.
All roles are allowed to use this command.
Type this command and only this command in an issue when the review is at an end.
Only moderators are allowed to use this command.
The CHAOSS D&I Badging Project pledges to ensure that participation in our project a harassment-free experience for everyone regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, honest, impartial and healthy environment.
Examples of behavior that are expected:
Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
Accepting the responsibility associated with your role and doing your best with it
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
Harassment (public or private)
Being untruthful or inequitable during a badge workflow
Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying and enforcing the standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Moderators are in charge of coordinating submitted applications. Their goal is to construct a pleasant, effective communicating environment.
Reviewers should commit to the D&I Badging Conflict of Interest policy and provide fair judgment and prompt feedback toward the assigned submission.
Applicants should provide straightforward, reliable and accurate information according to their submission.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the project maintainers team at chaoss.badging@gmail.com or alternatively msnell@unomaha.edu. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and to the best of our ability.
All project maintainers are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
According to the impact and consequences of the harassment, the project maintainer can give correction, warning, a temporary ban, or a permanent ban to the actor. For further information, please refer to Enforcement Guidelines.
D&I Badging Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.