Apply for an In-Person Event

Describe the In-Person Event Badge Submission Form

The D&I badging application is submitted through a web form to provide information and measurements on how an event achieves diversity and inclusion practices. All initial judgments from reviewers are made according to the form, so please do your best with it, make sure to fill out all the fields.

๐Ÿ’ก This page will help you fill out the form and provide perspectives on improving your event referring to the submission form.

In-Person Event Badge Submission Form

Basic Information

  • Event Name: Use the most commonly mentioned and well-known name of the event.

  • Link to the Event Website: The link should be valid, publicly available on a website, and it should show the event information. We recommend providing the home-page link.

  • Provide verification that you are an event organizer: Only the organizer is eligible to apply the badge on behalf of event participants. Please provide substantial proof showing you are the organizer of the event you are applying for. A link with your name displayed as an organizer on the event website is ideal.

Initial Checks

Event status-related requirements

  • The event must be about Open Source technologies and practices.

  • You should be an organizer of the Event you are applying for.

Metric related requirements

  • The information about the event must be publicly available on a website.

  • Metrics information must be available for potential attendees and speakers.

  • The event must host a Code of Conduct on the website.

This section requires you to provide Diversity & Inclusion metrics related information of your event.

The In-Person Event D&I metrics are:

  • Speaker Demographics

  • Attendee Demographics

  • Code of Conduct at Event

  • Diversity Access Tickets

  • Family Friendliness

If your event commits to one of the following metrics, please tick the checkbox, then fill the subsequent boxes under each question. We also provide criteria under each metric in the form for you as references of what the reviewer will be considering when reviewing the submission.

If your event meets some of the criteria, please provide related details and proofs. If not, those are the perspectives where your event can improve. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Speaker Demographics

How well does the speaker lineup for the event represent a diverse set of demographics?

  • Measuring Demographics: Does your event measure speaker demographics?

  • Displaying demographics: Does the speaker demographics publicly displayed on your event website?

Attendee Demographics

How diverse and inclusive are the attendees?

  • Measuring Demographics: Does your event measure attendee demographics?

  • Displaying demographics: Does the attendee demographics publicly displayed on your event website?

  • Attendee Inclusivity: You can request feedback from attendees about how they feel about the inclusiveness of this event, then take measures to encourage more attendees which are from different backgrounds.

Code of Conduct at Event

It's essential that you provide the link of CoC(Code of Conduct) because this is an initial requirement for D&I badge application. Without the link, reviewers may determine your event as not-passing.

How does the Code of Conduct for events support diversity and inclusion?

  • Findability: The Code of Conduct should least be discoverable on the website, and better to post at the event venue where speakers and attendees will have an easy time to find.

  • Enforcement: You can require participants to accept the Code of Conduct before completing registration.

In the Code of Conduct:

  • Clarity: Does the Event Code of Conduct provide a definition of expected behaviour?

  • Reporting venue: Does it have a clear avenue for reporting violations at the event?

  • Support at Event: Does it describe information about possible ways to provide support to victims of inappropriate behavior, eventually links to external bodies?

Diversity Access Tickets

How are Diversity Access Tickets used to support diversity and inclusion for an event?

  • Availability: How many types of diversity access tickets are available?

  • Ticket allocation: How are those diversity access tickets allocated?

  • Findability: Does the information about diversity access tickets posted on your event website or some other public venues?

Family Friendliness

How does enabling families to attend together support diversity and inclusion of the event?

  • Availability: Servies or facilities can be provided for participants who bring families to the event, especially to those who have children to take care of. For examples, you can:

    • Provide a motherโ€™s room,

    • Offer child care during the event,

    • Have special sessions for children.

    It's also wonderful if your event has other ideas that are suitable and effective to promote family friendliness of the event.

  • Findability: Is the information about the family-friendly services easily found on your website?

Last updated