Reviewing for CHAOSS


Thank you so much for showing interest in D&I Badging Project and the review system. We are delighted to have you here! This page tells you a bit about the participation as a reviewer and helps with some detailed principles you would need to know while reviewing.

Reviewer Guide

A CHAOSS D&I Badging application starts when an event organizer opens an issue on the event badging repository. The organizer fills out the form and a GitHub issue is created that contains the content of the application. Upon being assigned an issue, a reviewer will be provided with a review checklist in the form of an issue comment.

Please Consider

  • You need a GitHub account to review for the D&I Badging program.

  • Once you become a reviewer of D&I Badging (see apply to review on how to be a reviewer), your GitHub handle will be added to the review list and you will be assigned to new issues.

  • You can read CHAOSS D&I metrics, especially metrics under the Event Diversity focus area to get a further grasp before reviewing.

Please make sure you don't miss an assignment notification. If a reviewer provides no response to the issue for more than one month, D&I Badging moderator team will reassign a new reviewer for that issue.

While You Are Reviewing

The Reviewer's task is to analyze the information given by an event organizer using the Review Checklist. The reviewer provides their observations according to the Review Checklist and feedback on how an application can be improved if certain checks are not met. You may find more guidance for this process in the review process section.

How to Review

The reviewer's judgments are based on three main criteria:

The Event Website

  • A link to the event website is required from applicants. Reviewers should observe the Event website to verify everything is aligned with the submission answer. This will be the most valuable resource.

Detailed Description

  • Each question in the application should be answered. The applicant should provide a sufficient description for the reviewer to understand how the metrics are fulfilled associated with the event.

  • Each link provided should be relevant and confirm the values of the description within a metric.


Special thanks to JOSS(Journal of Open Source Software) for the D&I Badge peer-review process. Their work has inspired our project's structure.

Last updated

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