The CHAOSS Community Podcast
This is CHAOSScast, the CHAOSS Community Podcast where we share use cases and experiences with measuring open source community health. Elevating conversations about metrics, analytics, and software from the Community Health Analytics Open Source Software or short CHAOSS project to where ever you like to listen.
👥 Key roles and people
This is a CHAOSS Community project and should never rely on one person only.
Each role is occupied by different people each episode.
The organizer is responsible for the invitation, scheduling, preparation, coordination, moderation, and monitoring the podcast email. Each episode has exactly one (1) organizer. An organizer is also a panelist.
Georg Link
Samantha Venia Logan
Dylan Marcy
Sean Goggins
... (you?)
A panelist is responsible for research, asking questions, and adding to the conversation on the podcast. These panelists have agreed to be invited to every new episode. Not everyone should be on every episode. Organizers are also panelists.
Matt Broberg
Matt Germonprez
Dawn Foster
Kevin Lumbard
Brian Proffitt
Don Marti
Nicole Huesman
Daniel Izquierdo
Andrea Gallo
Kate Stewart
Armstrong Foundjem
Sophia Vargas
... you?
A guest is requested to discuss up-front what they want to talk about and provide references.
We have a Planning Guests document to keep track of who we want to invite.
A coordinator assists with the finer details of confirming podcast dates/times and acts as a central point of communication for all other roles. This role also sends out post-podcast thank you gifts. This is currently assigned to the CHAOSS Community Manager.
Important links
Google Drive Maintained by Paul Bahr, our sound editor
Google Drive Maintained by CHAOSScast Organizers
CHAOSScast Calendar for recording dates and epsiode release schedule
Email address for podcast, forwarded to Organizers:
✍ Strategy
Name: CHAOSScast
The CHAOSS community discussed names on the mailing list. Aastha Bist's suggestion CHAOSScast was an instant favorite. We considered longer names that were more descriptive but decided to go with the short CHAOSScast and leave SEO to the description
The CHAOSS Community podcast elevates conversations about metrics, analytics, and software for measuring open source community health.
This podcast fills the gap with open source community metric definitions and software on one side and their use in different contexts on the other side. We invite guests to this podcast to talk about how they use open source community health metrics and software in their own open source communities, companies, or foundations. The panelists are CHAOSS Community members who spent considerable time and effort to understand open source community health and how we can measure it through metrics, analytics and software.
This podcast fills a gap in the CHAOSS community by sharing specific use cases for metrics and exploring how metrics are used in different contexts.
Anyone interested in open source community and project metrics, including OSPO managers, Community Managers, open source Maintainers, Linux Foundation Employees, Community Members, DevRel managers
[Include] Interviews with people who do metrics for their community, project, foundation, or company
[Include] Use cases, metrics that matter in specific industries (e.g., high regulated environments as banks)
[Include] coverage of metrics platforms not considered for future integration into CHAOSS
[Include] non-OSS markets such as marketing brand communities and corporate social circles
[Include] active calls for experiments and/or data sets for ongoing case studies?
[Exclude] quantitative data metrics not related to communities but having much to do with general measurement including ROASS and Paid ad traffic
[Exclude] developing situations and case studies that are more recent than one month or still ongoing
A panel of 2-3 CHAOSS members interviews guest(s) who have done or used OSS metrics in their specific context. The interview is about the specific use case of the guest.
Each recording is scheduled for 1.5h and a released episode targeting 30-40 minutes. The following is the ideal structure:
Intro music and intro to CHAOSScast
Intro of panelists
Intro of guest(s)
Interview with guest
Value adds or picks
Thank You's and outro with music
Sample interview questions
Tell us about yourself and your background.
Tell us about the open source community and project metrics you use.
How were these metrics decided on to be important?
What decisions do you make based on these metrics?
What tools do you use for the metrics?
Who else sees these metrics and how are the metrics integrated in your workflows?
"what amazing thing did you do?", "what was the community like before it happened?" "When did you realize something needed to change?" "how did you go about getting the thing done?" "what was the end result?" “why dos what you did matter to the listener’s communities?” “what advice do you have to make doing the same thing easier?”
What are your hopes for CHAOSS in the future?
🕙 Automation
Documenting any automation configured to date.
Georg Link has an IFTT recipe to:
If new item in this RSS feed
Then tweet it from @CHAOSSproj
Example tweet:
📖 Procedures
These procedures are for the organizer and coordinator of each episode:
Scheduling an episode
Think of who would make a good guest for the podcast and ask them tentatively if you may invite them
Step 1: Determine a guest (Anyone)
Action: Recruit interview guest and decide topic and content of the podcast together
Step 2: Coordinate Episode (Coordinator)
Action: Send invitation email (content TBD) to guest to find a few potential suitable dates and times (60-90 minutes.)
Action: Notify organizer of guest's date and time possibilities, and confirm one.
Action: Prepare the planning document (copy the Episode Planning Document template and start filling in information.)
Action: send out an invitation email for panelists to RSVP yes or no (list of email addresses)
Prioritize those who said they were interested in the topic
If needed, invite new panelists
Action: Confirm with 1-2 panelists that replied "yes" and notify others who replied yes that the panel is already complete.
Action: Reserve the session on the Calendly for recording purposes.
Action: Send calendar invitation with confirmed date of the podcast (only the guest, organizer, and panelists that will be in the episode
The event has to be created in the CHAOSScast calendar
All organizers should have full access to the calendar (i.e., Make changes and manage sharing)
Name calendar event:🎙 CHAOSScast {with guest}
Start with the microphone emoticon (🎙) to signal recording meeting
Action: Send out a confirmation email that includes the “how we podcast” document to guests and panelists
Action: Update the episode planning document with recording time and zoom link
Action: Update the episode overview table
Action: If the episode is more than two weeks out, schedule a reminder email for 1 week before the episode recording
Action: Schedule a reminder email for 24-hours before the episode recording
Step 3: Finalize Content (Organizer)
Action: Update the episode planning document with the main topics and questions
Step 4: Post-Episode Thank You Notes (Coordinator)
Action: When the episode is scheduled for release that week, notify guest and get their mailing address
Action: Sign thank you note and assemble with swag
Action: Mail out thank you note with swag
Action: Add date of shipment on episode overview table to confirm it was sent
Recording an episode
On day of podcast (Organizer and Panelists):
Action: Review the CHAOSScast Recording Procedures before the session starts
Feel good about yourself and get excited!
When podcast session starts (Organizer and Panelists):
Join the Zoom room on time (records automatically)
Be yourself
Publishing an episode (~30-40 min)
Justin will send a notification (email or on Slack) After podcast is edited
Review the planning document for any notes of interest
Download the shownotes and MP3 file from Dropbox
Download the cover art from Dropbox
Upload the shownotes to google drive and use Convert to Markdown to get markdown format
In Fireside, create missing panelists and guests
Slug is
)Status: public
The other information should be in the Episode Planning Document
In Fireside, create a new episode
Permalink: # (only the number of episode)
Visibility: Public
Publish on: a Friday at 3 AM US Central Time
Title: Title from the Episode Planning Document
Title Format: Episode 123: My Great Title (default)
Content: Clean (unless we used swear words)
Summary: First paragraph from the Show Notes are a good starting point
Description: Insert the show notes in Markdown format.
Hint: convert show notes to Google Doc and export as Markdown
Keywords: (use sparingly to avoid keyword cannibilization)
Tags: (empty) -- we can use tags later for having sub-podcasts
Hosts and Guests: activate everyone who was on the show. Regular panelists are all hosts, even when they are guest on an episode.
Social Media Destinations: (ignore)
Apple Podcasts Settings: (ignore)
MP3 File: upload MP3 file provided by CPN through Dropbox
Cover Art: upload cover art from Dropbox with the correct episode number
Header Image: (ignore, will use default)
Transcript: (ignore)
Update the template CHAOSScast Calendar event (🎧 (TBD) Release CHAOSScast episode) for the release date (i.e., remove
and add epsiode number and title)Schedule an email to the CHAOSS mailing list for the release day and time (template)
Include in upcoming CHAOSS Weekly newsletter
ITTT automated (RSS feed publishing):
Schedule a tweet through Tweetdeck
Advertise outside of CHAOSS
SustainOSS Forum (?)
💰 CHAOSScast sponsorship and revenue
SustainOSS sponsors CHAOSScast and covers the cost of hosting, editing, and show notes. CHAOSScast currently doesn't generate revenue. An idea for the future is to include CHAOSScast as an option along other sponsorship opportunities like CHAOSScon.
😎 Acknowledgments
Georg Link was the key person behind the idea to launch a CHAOSS Community Podcast and the first organizer.
Matt Broberg was the second organizer to join the team and helped establish the podcast.
Justin Dorfman worked with Georg and Matt B to onboard CHAOSScast to the CodeFund Podcast Network and define the procedures required for scheduling, recording, and publishing episodes.
Matt Germonprez and Dawn Foster were the first panelists. (Listen to Epsiode 1)
Paul Bahr from Peachtree Sound is the editor who makes us all sound awesome.
Last updated
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